Monday, August 15, 2016

Another Random Theater Post

It's a really stupid idea to want to be an actress.

But I'm going for it anyway.

No, I might not make it. I might end up working at Walmart instead. But if I get one role on Broadway, or Off Broadway, or really any big theater, it will be worth it.

I love theater more than anything else I do. The feeling of being on the stage is something that is totally different than anything else I've ever experienced, and it's amazing.

Theater can change someone's life, even if they aren't on the stage themselves. Someone might be sitting in that audience at the beginning of the play with a heavy heart and not knowing what to do in their lives, but by the end of the play they can let go of whatever is in their mind weighting them down.

If I can change one persons life by a role, it's worth all the pain and the work, because I think that's what theater is supposed to do. It's supposed to help people.

So yeah, it's a stupid, stupid idea. But I don't really care.


  1. Don't worry you won't end up working at Walmart. I'm completely confident you'll make it.

  2. RuthAnna, I'm afraid I'll have to join you in the way of stupidity. We'll have to be stupid together, cuz Im all in!!!

  3. Emma- Aw thanks Luv

    Emily-Ok cool. What are friend for but acting stupid together right?
