Sunday, November 30, 2014

One Day More!

One day more until NaNoWriMo is over guys! I finished my word count goal a few days ago, not my novel, but my word count. I'm so happy, I wrote almost twice as much as I wrote last year for NaNo, it's more than I've ever written. 
And about the song ( One Day More from Les Miserables). I just went through the song, and released that all my characters could be singing it about how I was almost done doing horrible things to them. 
For example: 
" One more day all on my own, one more day with him not caring"- change this to she, and they could be singing about me the author, not caring about what I do to them! This is the perfect song for today! Good luck finishing guys! 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Josh Hucherdson

This is for you Abby D, I finally found it!

^heres an extra :)

Christmas nails!

I'm so excited for Christmas! Yes, we do still have weeks, but at about Thanksgiving, I start to make presents and get ready for the Christmas Ball, and that gets me really excited. I'm going as a medieval person for the ball this year. I have a dark green dress, and I'm going to make a beaded belt and line the edges with ribbon. I can't wait! 
     So as as Christmas gets closer, prepare yourselves for decoration ideas, outfits, gifts, food, etc here on the blog! To start off, hears some nail ideas! 
If you try any of these, or if you have your own ideas, please comment with pictures and instructions! 
FYI- it tried these last Christmas Eve, and they looked great

I've done these with nail jewels, and they looked pretty cool!
I need to get more colors, I have a ton of pink, but almost no red of green! ;)

So if I start right now, I can do one of these every few days until christmas.......


We've just been staying at the house a lot lately, so I don't have any "deep" thoughts today. But I do have some fun writing prompts......
But first I would like to apologize. I've been reading through my posts, and the amount of typos, misspellings, and bad grammar is horrible! Sorry about that! :) 

I'm a little late on this one, but I still thought I should put it on. You can be thankful every day after all!

Friday, November 28, 2014


heres some really cool writeing prompts! we're alost there guys, only a few more days!

 heres o

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving

! I'm very thankful for each and every one of you, and pray that all of you will continue to be safe, and ill know you all for many more year!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Little Talks

We went to Chipotle for lunch yesterday, and it was so fun to watch everyone there. I mean, everyone there had a story of there own. For example, the couple in there thirties who were soooo sweet to each other. I'll never know if they'll stay together, what there lives will be like, but I was able to see just a bit of there lives there. We got there at lunch hour, and the only table left was a table for seven. We took it, even though there were only four of us, and as we were almost done, we saw a man standing in the corner waiting for someone. We invited him to come in sit at our table, and he smiled and walked over. We talked a bit, and I found out that he was waiting for his wife and daughter. Then as we left, a family with two little kids came over and asked if they could have the table. The man was still sitting there waiting, so he said they could share with him and his family. As we walked away, we heard them talking. So in the course of an hour, I got to talk to a few people I'll never see again, and somehow to me, that seems amazing. Looking around me, I saw so many people  doing the same thing.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Pilgrim Play

The Pilgrim Play is tonight! I'm backstage doing stage manager stuff, wish me luck!

“10 Steps to Becoming a Better Writer

Write more.
Write even more.
Write even more than that.
Write when you don’t want to.
Write when you do.
Write when you have something to say.
Write when you don’t.
Write every day.
Keep writing.”
― Brian Clark

Monday, November 24, 2014

only a few days left......

only  few days left until the end of the month! hows everyone doing? i have about 1200 words left in my word count goal.
i found this a few days ago well i was looking for writing quotes, and thought it was really funny! 
but if they aren't on walking trails........ grammar people!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

i don't know why i like this so much, its so dumb!

“Thirty years ago my older brother, who was ten years old at the time, was trying to get a report written on birds that he'd had three months to write, which was due the next day. We were out at our family cabin in Bolinas, and he was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books about birds, immobilized by the hugeness of the task ahead. Then my father sat down beside him put his arm around my brother's shoulder, and said, "Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.”
― Anne LamottBird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

Saturday, November 22, 2014


i saw Mockingjay tonight at the theater with a friend ( can't say her name, but if your reading  this i had sooooo much fun!) i thank this is my favorite movie ever, the acting was increadable, and the plot was terrific. i can not wait for the next movie to come out!
“I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. They know how many rooms are going to be in the house, what kind of roof they're going to have, where the wires are going to run, what kind of plumbing there's going to be. They have the whole thing designed and blueprinted out before they even nail the first board up. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows. And I'm much more a gardener than an architect.” 
― George R.R. Martin

Friday, November 21, 2014


I really haven't posted anything about me in a long time! i have some free time, so here gos!
     We went ice skating on Wednesday with Hannah, Emma, Abby, and Ella, and it was soooo much fun! there were so many beautiful skaters, and it was lovely to be able to skate with friends again. 
     Thursday was the last day of Thursday Classes, I'm so sad! ill miss everyone, hope to see you all next semester! we had a performance for the little kids that i ran. and it was a disaster! everyone forgot what they were doing, and i lost half my kid!
     and lastly, Mockingjay comes out today! YES!!!!!
“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” 
― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

“What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though.” 
― J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

“You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.” 
― Madeleine L'Engle

“If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” 
― Toni Morrison

“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.” 
― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own

“You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.” 
― Saul Bellow

“Fantasy is hardly an escape from reality. It's a way of understanding it.” 
― Lloyd Alexander

“The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” 
― Mark Twain, The Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain

Thursday, November 20, 2014


I missed yesterday for posting. We went down to the city to go ice sckating with some friends. Today was the last day of Thursday Classes. I'll miss everyone:( I'll see you on the 18th!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Worlds Best Playlist

I found this and LUV it! 

Heres my list:
"Back to me Without You" by, Band Perry 
"Fireflies" by, Owl City
"Oh Very Young" by, Cat Stevens
"Two Fine People" by, Cat Stevens 
"Safe" by, Miranda Lambert 
"Invisible" by, Hunter Hayes
"The Thenardier Waltz of Treachery" by, Les Miserables 
                                          "When I Get Where I'm Going" by, Brad Paisley 
                                                     "Because we Want to" by, Billie Piper
                                                     "Dear Diamond" by, Miranda Lambert 
Some of these i don't get ("The Thenardier Waltz of Treachery", what?) but i luv it! comment with your playlists!


nothings happening. again. more nothing. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014


I'm at 11000 word! That more then I've ever written in a novel before, and I'm at a great place! how are you guys doing?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday classes

Today was so fun! It was the last day of the class I've been teaching, we made cookies and it was amazing! Em, JesusGirl, Abby, we missed you guys!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I Made it!

I made my work count goal...... 20 days before the deadline! So I've raised it up now, and I'm hoping to get to 1500 words. Wish me luck!

Monday, November 10, 2014

War Horse

We're watching War Horse right now and it's great! Really sad though. Tom Hiddelston is such a great actor!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Best Blogging Buddy Award

Hannah D nominated me for Best Blogging Buddy, thank you soooo much Hannah! For those of you who don't know, here's how it works.

1- You're nominated. You announce it on your blog, then answer the questions that the person who nominated you asks in a post.
2- You ask your own questions.
3- You nominate other people who do the same.

Make any sense? If it doesn't, please leave a comment.

 1. What's your pet peeve?
Whenever I find a new song that my sisters like, and then they play it over, and over, and over.....

2. What's your favorite movie?
Either " The Phantom of the Opera" or " Avengers

3. Do text talk and hashtags bother you?
Whenever people use it 24/7. Past that, no.

4. Favorite book?
Unwind by, Neal Shusterman

5. Are you a night owl or a morning person?
Night Owl. I can stay up till forever.

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?
An actress.

7. What superhero power would you have if you could?
Sonic Scream

8. What's your favorite kind of music?

9. Frodo or Sam? Or if you haven't seen/read Lord of the Rings, what's your favorite book/movie character?
Sam! He's so sweet and loyal, even when it's hard. And of course, he's take on elephants is unbeatable.

10. What are your top three least favorite foods?
Bananas, eggs, and fish

11. Who's your favorite author?
John Green. His books are good, and he seems like a nice person.

12. What gives you inspiration for writing, since I know all my nominees are writers?
Other books!

13. Are you introverted or extroverted?
( is it bad that I had to look these words up?)
Well I hope I'm extroverted, but I have my introverted moments.

14. Social or unsocial?

15. What would be the dream environment for you?
Lots of friendly people that you can socialize with, but also quiet places where you can sit and be quiet. A huge library with walls full of books in every house, and a place to write.

16. What three words are most common for people to describe you?
Ummm... That would be hard, there are so many words people use, and I have to choose three? Fine. Probably insane, quiet, and listener ( if that counts as a word)

My Questions-
1. Favorite song?
2. Favorite show?
3. Noise or quiet?
4. What do you want to be when you grow up?
5. Do you play an instrument? If so, what?
6.Do you have long or short hair?
7. Do you like most popular music?
8. Television or live?
9. Gummy candy or hard?
10. What is your pet peeve?
11. What is your least favorite color?
12. What are your three favorite foods?
13. Least favorite type of food?
14. How long do you want to live?
15. Three words people use to describe you?

My nominees:
- Clare P. If she ever gets her blog up.
- Julie D

Just one

Saturday, November 8, 2014