Happy birthday to the best friend EVER, Dr. Elemis Potts. Or Bucky. Or Watsina. Or the Stage Manager. Or whatever. Emily. That one.
I can't believe I've known you for so long now, and at the same time I can't believe that I haven't known you for longer. It feels like forever, when it's probably only been six years. How crazy is that? It feels like it's been so much longer!
We've done so much together over those six years though! This last year, our tip to Creede was amazing! I can't wait to do it again this year. Going to plays, walking in the river, drinking coffee, and staying up until at least two A.M every morning we were there talking about, well, everything. Watching Harvey and being scared to death when my elbow accidentally hit the door, and being convinced that we were about to be killed by a giant rabbit. Creede was super fun, and one of the highlights of my summer.
Another highlight was As You Like it. That was so much fun, and again, you were there the entire time. The whole thing was fun, from the auditions to the movie after and then the sleepover, to the actual practice, to the performance and the trip to Sonic after. I loved it!
Cowgirl Cookie and Snickerdoodle! Pointing to the book and finding all of the people in the book that “looked” like characters in the play. I think that we really irritated Mrs. Lexi at first because we were so insane. But it was amazing.
Our birthday parties... me, you, and Emma have had some seriously amazing times at mine, and everyone has had some amazing times at yours. Tradition is insane, how did we all even come up with any of those ideas? I mean really, how? The answer of course, is that we're totally insane, that's how. And that insaneness (yes, that's now a word) just becomes more insane when we're together.
Our late night talks are crazy too. I honestly don't know how you could make me scared of a giant red tomato with gleaming eyes and teeth in the middle of the night, but you managed it. Every time we have a sleepover we stay up suuuuuper late, and I would say that's a good thing. I love them, even though they start to make so sense.
Our awkward conversations are always great, even if they are awkward. You don't judge me when I tell you something awkward, and I won't judge you. With almost any other friend, I wouldn't be able to tell them anything about my love life, because I would feel like they would be hating me the whole time and I would feel bad. But with you it's totally ok. You understand and I love that.
We have so many inside jokes, I can't even remember half of them. And for some reason no one seems to find them as funny as we do... But they're amazing. Thank you for walking the wrong way with me. It was fun.
I think half the play's I've been in sense I met you have been with you, from the Pilgrim Play we both hated, to Cowgirl Cookie where we both have a great time, to As You Like It which was one of my favorite plays EVER! These were all sooooo fun with you! I loved having you there through all of them, someone that I knew so well. And yes, we are Kate and Constance. That needs to happen!
Walking down the street, no one would think we could be friends, we're both so different. But knowing you, I totally get why I love you so much. You're so sweet and kind to everyone. You have a great sense of humor. You're pretty. You're an amazing actress. You are all around one of the greatest people that I have ever met. I'm so blessed to have met you and be able to get to know you as one of the greatest friends I have ever had. Some of the best moments of my life have been with you, and many, many, many more small moments that I will never forget.
I adore you, and I'm so glad we're friends. Happy 15th birthday!
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