Thursday, April 2, 2015


Before I even start this post I want to clarify something: this is about fictional romance, I'm not going to talk about myself here. :)
     In traditional fairy-tales they have the story, then the prince comes and saves the day for like, twenty seconds. There isn't much actual romance in the story's but it's still sweet and you will forever remember Prince Charming.
     You also have Hunger Games and Divergent. Both of these books are mainly about the main charrie fighting for there lives and all that, but romance is a huge factor in both books. It blends into the story line and makes it smooth.
     There's also the story's where the main characters are together all through the book but aren't " in love". I mean they both interact a lot, but they don't get together until the end of the book. But through the book you're shipping the two because how cute is that?
     And then there's Fault in our Stars novels. There romances so obviously the book is chalk full of romance. And that's ok, you shouldn't have picked up a romance novel if you didn't like romance! :)
     In my book I put in romance * gasp*. The main charries are like my third example, but I'm not sure if my readers will even get the two are together by the end! It's really hard to put in a little bit of romance, but not to much so it's not a romance novel.
     So what do you all think? How much romance is to much romance when the book isn't a romance? And do you think I said the word romance enough in this post? :)


  1. Even the smidgen of a bit will automatically give your book that feel. It will still be labeled its genre though. Personally I love that kind of thing. Don't put a ton so that the reader feels dragged down. Because quite frankly, kissing every 20 seconds gets very old.

  2. Romance is really hard to write, especially in a contemporary novel.Trust me. I'm trying super hard!

  3. @Emma, yes yes it does. Well, Hunger Games did it well but past that it's really boring. Thank for the advice!

    @Hannah- ugh yes. It's been so warped! I can't wait to read your story.
