Remember when you were a little kid and you just had to tell your BFF everything that you "knew" and you had to make sure that they were no longer under the wrong impression? That never really ended that well now did it?
Now that we're older we have much more serious opinions and they are more real, much more real than pink is better than purple and stuff like that. But the little things. Things like if someone should say a certain word or phrase what they should wear But is it still every okay to try and force these small opinions on anyone?
No, of course it isn't.
There are times of course when you should press something, but on most things you probably shouldn't.
This post isn't directed at anyone who reads my blog because all of you have wonderful opinions that are very like my own most of the time, and even if you do think differently you have never tried to push it on me. This post isn't actually directed at anyone. I've just been thinking about it lately with Christmas coming up and the age on Santa question.
I know many people on the forms that I am on that will come onto some form where a little kid is talking about Santa and tell them that they're stupid, everyone knows he isn't real. But you know what, it isn't up to them to tell them that. They enjoy that. Let them. Nor is it up to them to tell their parents that they shouldn't raise their kids believing in Santa Claus. That isn't up to them either. I know people who didn't do Santa when they were little and they have their own things that they associate with Christmas and have ever sense they were little. But I was raised with Santa and I still love the idea. Everyone has a different idea.
Also, have you ever had someone look at something that you're wearing and tell you that you shouldn't wear that of just give you one of those looks that says “how dare you?” I have. And it's irritating. They are welcome to not wear it if they want to, but I personally have no problem with people wearing tank tops or whatever, and in the long run, is it really that important?
And of course, people are very welcome to have their own opinions about absolutely everything. In fact, I think that they should. And they should try to spread them if they really are something that they think needs spreading. That's the way that all great things are created right? And people have free speech, that is one of our greatest rights. But please, if it isn't important, don't force it on one person in particular. Spread it, but don't focus on one person.
Thanks once again to all my wonderful friends for never doing something like this.
what do you guys think? Have you ever had someone try and press an opinion on you about something that really isn't that big of a deal? And do you think I'm wrong and that you should push the small stuff? Comment and let me know!!!<3