Helen- (singing) "Why did you send me so far and so lonely/ Up where the moor's spread and grey rocks are piled/ Men are hard hearted and kind angels only/ Watch o'er the steps of the poor orphan child - my feet they are sore and my limbs they are weary/ Long is the way and the mountains are wild/ Soon will the twilight close moonless and dreary/ Over the path of the poor orphan child. "
Amy- " A beautiful man, don't you think. Such a pretty little mouth. And a nice nose. That's my idea of charming."
Hannah- " Not you. I'm feared you might have some ill plans, that bring you about folks' houses at this time o' night. If you have any followers - housebreakers and such - tell them we have a gentleman, and dogs, and guns."
I feel like that's a good overview of all my characters. Helen is the one that I wanted ever since I found out which play we were doing, and it's the biggest role I have. I like the others, but not nearly as much. I'm super excited!
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