Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
So first, found this. Luv it!
Today was Coop and my head hurts so bad! The kids in my class were screaming at the top of there lungs, and this week we made musical instruments....... Baaaaad idea. I had to skip my fourth hour class because my head hurt so bad! I don't know what was the matter with those kids. And a few of them were hanging onto this one kid and wouldn't let go to play the games, and the rest of them were trying to pull the hanging kids off. And then they would all need help at the same time. I looked up quotes for headaches today on Pinterest. I never knew there were soooo many! 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Word count
I found this on Hannah D's website ( I luv this blog!). NaNoWriMo is coming up soon, and this will be really helpful! If your on Nano, friend me, Crookshanks
Text Count and Most Common Word
Text Count and Most Common Word
Typing hour for school, so a very long very random blog post......
So first, if your reading this blog, please comment so I can see how many people are following the blog ( Thanks to JesusGirl)
Were doing typing now, so i'm doing this instead of the typing program we've been doing for ages. I normally type on my IPad, so this is a lot different, but a lot easier! I really need to get a keyboard for my IPad....... I keep missing the keys on this computer, and then having to delete everything to go fix the typo. its nice though not to spell something wrong, and have the auto correct not change it to a totally different word. ( having, haveing,havering)
One of my little sis's friends is over, and there doing there school in the other room. its soooo quiet, I'm not used to this. In a normal school day, my younger sisters would be running around screaming, this is really nice for a change, and a lot easier to think. We need to get more people to do school over here more often!!!!!
Halloweens in three days, and I still don't have a costume! One of the biggest problems with Halloween where I live is the weather. this year its supposed to be really cold, and everyone has to cover there costumes with layers and layers of coats and blankets. I might just go as Rose Tyler from Doctor Who this year, she wears a leather jacket. ;) Its been really cold up here lately, I hid in my room under my blankets reading for hours this morning, and not I'm right in from of the fire, finally getting warm. My little sisters and there friend went outside today, and then came running back inside after a couple minutes. Its in the 20s and windy.
Found this quote for Jennifer Lawrence the other day and thought it was pretty cool. Not exactly 100% true in every way, but a good way to start off.
And I had to put on my favorite quote.
" We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are"- JK Rowling/ Sirius Black
This one makes a lot of sense to me. Humans aren't perfect, and we never will be. But we can make the best of the girts and the earth that God gave us. God is amazing, he didn't just give us dark that we could do nothing with, he gave us a light and a good to help and guide with. We can choose to go with the dark, and be absorbed with ourselves and in the shadows, or we can go with the light in us to do good for the world, and come out into the sun, God gave us a choice.
So that post changed quickly. bored nothingness to a lecture on doing good in this world. Cheers if you got through that! Now I sure hope it saves.......
Were doing typing now, so i'm doing this instead of the typing program we've been doing for ages. I normally type on my IPad, so this is a lot different, but a lot easier! I really need to get a keyboard for my IPad....... I keep missing the keys on this computer, and then having to delete everything to go fix the typo. its nice though not to spell something wrong, and have the auto correct not change it to a totally different word. ( having, haveing,havering)
One of my little sis's friends is over, and there doing there school in the other room. its soooo quiet, I'm not used to this. In a normal school day, my younger sisters would be running around screaming, this is really nice for a change, and a lot easier to think. We need to get more people to do school over here more often!!!!!
Halloweens in three days, and I still don't have a costume! One of the biggest problems with Halloween where I live is the weather. this year its supposed to be really cold, and everyone has to cover there costumes with layers and layers of coats and blankets. I might just go as Rose Tyler from Doctor Who this year, she wears a leather jacket. ;) Its been really cold up here lately, I hid in my room under my blankets reading for hours this morning, and not I'm right in from of the fire, finally getting warm. My little sisters and there friend went outside today, and then came running back inside after a couple minutes. Its in the 20s and windy.
Found this quote for Jennifer Lawrence the other day and thought it was pretty cool. Not exactly 100% true in every way, but a good way to start off.
And I had to put on my favorite quote.
" We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are"- JK Rowling/ Sirius Black
This one makes a lot of sense to me. Humans aren't perfect, and we never will be. But we can make the best of the girts and the earth that God gave us. God is amazing, he didn't just give us dark that we could do nothing with, he gave us a light and a good to help and guide with. We can choose to go with the dark, and be absorbed with ourselves and in the shadows, or we can go with the light in us to do good for the world, and come out into the sun, God gave us a choice.
So that post changed quickly. bored nothingness to a lecture on doing good in this world. Cheers if you got through that! Now I sure hope it saves.......
Sunday, October 26, 2014
My boring life
We did almost nothing this week. We did go to Thursday Classes, and that was fun. Me and my BFF are teaching a class for little kids, and we have around 22 kids from ages 3-8. We count off a lot to put them in groups, and there's always the kid who gets 18 or whatever, and he pouts for two minutes because he's 3, not 18 XD. And then the kids who color with marker all over there hands and then wipe there mouths and make me wonder why there mouths are blue. And the kids who sit in the corner the whole time were playing the game, and then when I ask them why they say it was because I got there name wrong or something! It's cute, but soooooo hard!
We went to church yesterday. The deacons leaving, and that's kinda sad, I liked him. But he's moving to Denver to continue his mission there. We also did a lot of errands in town. We had to check my grandparents thermostat to see if they had turned the heat off, so when they come home next summer they aren't roasting with a huge heating bill. We also went to Platos Closet, and I sold them a shirt and a pair of jeans and thy gave me some money. I really need a jacket, so I'll have to go back there.
So there's my deep exciting week.
Monday, October 20, 2014
My grandparents left for Arizona the other day. They go there's for six months of the year because of the weather. There both pretty spry, but I'm still praying that they'll be ok.
Sugar high! Saturday was my birthday party ,and I had waaaaaay to much sugar. I'm still shaky! It was super fun, we went to a penny arcade ( and ate candy), then to get ice cream ( ice cream and popcorn), then to a castle ( more candy), and of course Walgreens ( even more candy). Then I got home and found candy left over in my purse, Ill have to eat that soon....... I probably gained 20 pounds just that day! ;)
And today's my eight year old sis's birthday party. We're going to go to a amusement park for four hours. I repeat , four hours. With two little kids. Probably little kids with sugar highs. I don't know how I'm going to do this.
And on a side note, I wrote this poem the other day and am quite proud of it!
Never hurting,
Nothing's wrong,
Scared of nothing,
Still and strong.
A tiny quiver,
A chink in glass,
Scared of nothing,
Still and strong.
Falling slowly,
A deep abyss,
Scared of nothing,
Must stay strong.
A small heartbreak,
A slamming door,
Scared of nothing,
Nothing more.
Pain like nothing,
Hurt is black,
Scared of nothing,
Time has passed.
Deep in darkness,
A tiny crack,
Still and strong,
Fighting back.
A ray of sun,
A shining star,
Still and strong,
Dark no more.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Creation (short story)
The lightbulb flickered to life. The crowd gasped and Thomas Edison smiled.
"We will make electricity so cheap, only the rich will burn candles!"
The crowd erupted into applause and Edison stepped away from the lightbulb. He had worked so hard for this day.....
Two months earlier.
He was back to carbon filaments. All that work with platinum and metals like it, and he was back where he had started. He stomped his foot, and immediately felt like a little kid again, stomping his foot when he didn't get his way.
"I haven't failed," he reminded himself and went back to his work. He attached a couple of wires and jumped back at the bang. Another two wires, another two ways. This could go on forever!
He put his work down and went for his coat. This was it, he was done! He went to blow out his current light source, then stopped remembering how hard it was to light it again. This was why he was working on his light. He took off his coat and went back to his work.
It was already cold, and it was barely October. Edison walked over to the woodstove with a bundle of wood in his arms. He shoved the wood in and lit his match. He started to shove that in too but stopped, staring at it. If only he could make his light like this. So bright, so natural, this light fit in. The flame touched his fingertips and he dropped the match. The paper under it caught fire, and in a moment of panic Edison poured the teapot full of water over it. A little excessive maybe, but it did put out the fire. He put the pot back on the stove. He lit another match and tried not to be distracted by it, but this too proved unsuccessful, because not being distracted by it involved not looking at it, and he burned his fingers again. This time though he just dipped his fingers into the teapot and wondered how his tea would taste. He light another match and quickly threw it in and slammed the door hoping nothing else would happen. The wood caught and Edison went back to his carbon filaments.
" What is genius?"
Edison stopped smiling. The other questions the reporters had asked had been easy, but this one....... well, this one was not. He looked down at the young man who had asked the question.
"What is genius?"
The question rang in his ears and he wondered how long he had been standing there staring stupidly off into space well the people around him started to wonder if he was quite as smart as they had been led to believe. Genius was hard to describe. How did these people come up with these questions anyhow? It wasn't fair to the poor man who was stuck up there with all those people with their pens and paper around him.
"What is genius?"
You can't describe genius, not on the spot like this. You needed time to think these things through. Time to think up genius answers to genius questions.
Then bang. An answer. A soon-to-be lightbulb.
"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration" he replied truthfully.
It was now mid-November ,though a lot had happened in a month and a half . The carbon was doing a lot better this time. He was actually getting somewhere, not just sitting there killing time and having the occasional temper tantrum.
He put in the carbon, screwed a couple things up, and flicked the switch. There was a huge bang as the glass around the wiring shattered into hundreds of pieces.
Edison put his hands up in front of his face, and for dignity's sake tried to keep back the cuss words. After the chorus of breaking glass was over, he put down his hands and walked over to the thing that had just exploded. None of the wiring had been damaged, but the carbon had been shaken up, and the glass, of course, was all over the place. He put on his coat and hat and started home for the broom.
" Mr. Edison! Mr. Edison!" The reporter looked about ready to jump out of his pants he was jumping so high. "To what do you owe your success?"
There were several different answers to that one. Should he go the standard route?
" I owe it all to my parents who worked long and hard to get me where I am now."
Or should he go for more of a wisecrack epic scientist answer?
"I owe it all to the scientists before me. They made science what it is today."
No, he needed something different and more exciting. Something no one had ever though of before. In his mind he went through his rooms looking for something new, different, and exciting that no scientist in history had ever said. He yawned and had it.
"I owe my success to the fact that I never had a clock in my workroom."
The reporters all scribbled it down.
Edison slowly poured in the carbon filaments. He thought he had it this time, the first practical incandescent lightbulb. His lightbulb. He held his breath and flipped the switch. The bulb flickered and died. Something was still wrong. He sighed and was stepping forward to turn it off when it started to flicker again. He stopped moving forward. The light flickered brighter and brighter until it was glowing strong. Edison went to light a match. There was only one problem. He couldn't find them. Still smiling, he turned over his entire workroom, carefully of course. Finally he found them on the shelf next to the door, right where they were supposed to be. He lit one and held it up next to his lightbulb. A perfect fit. In December 1879 he would show it to the world.
Source material-
The lightbulb flickered to life. The crowd gasped and Thomas Edison smiled.
"We will make electricity so cheap, only the rich will burn candles!"
The crowd erupted into applause and Edison stepped away from the lightbulb. He had worked so hard for this day.....
Two months earlier.
He was back to carbon filaments. All that work with platinum and metals like it, and he was back where he had started. He stomped his foot, and immediately felt like a little kid again, stomping his foot when he didn't get his way.
"I haven't failed," he reminded himself and went back to his work. He attached a couple of wires and jumped back at the bang. Another two wires, another two ways. This could go on forever!
He put his work down and went for his coat. This was it, he was done! He went to blow out his current light source, then stopped remembering how hard it was to light it again. This was why he was working on his light. He took off his coat and went back to his work.
It was already cold, and it was barely October. Edison walked over to the woodstove with a bundle of wood in his arms. He shoved the wood in and lit his match. He started to shove that in too but stopped, staring at it. If only he could make his light like this. So bright, so natural, this light fit in. The flame touched his fingertips and he dropped the match. The paper under it caught fire, and in a moment of panic Edison poured the teapot full of water over it. A little excessive maybe, but it did put out the fire. He put the pot back on the stove. He lit another match and tried not to be distracted by it, but this too proved unsuccessful, because not being distracted by it involved not looking at it, and he burned his fingers again. This time though he just dipped his fingers into the teapot and wondered how his tea would taste. He light another match and quickly threw it in and slammed the door hoping nothing else would happen. The wood caught and Edison went back to his carbon filaments.
" What is genius?"
Edison stopped smiling. The other questions the reporters had asked had been easy, but this one....... well, this one was not. He looked down at the young man who had asked the question.
"What is genius?"
The question rang in his ears and he wondered how long he had been standing there staring stupidly off into space well the people around him started to wonder if he was quite as smart as they had been led to believe. Genius was hard to describe. How did these people come up with these questions anyhow? It wasn't fair to the poor man who was stuck up there with all those people with their pens and paper around him.
"What is genius?"
You can't describe genius, not on the spot like this. You needed time to think these things through. Time to think up genius answers to genius questions.
Then bang. An answer. A soon-to-be lightbulb.
"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration" he replied truthfully.
It was now mid-November ,though a lot had happened in a month and a half . The carbon was doing a lot better this time. He was actually getting somewhere, not just sitting there killing time and having the occasional temper tantrum.
He put in the carbon, screwed a couple things up, and flicked the switch. There was a huge bang as the glass around the wiring shattered into hundreds of pieces.
Edison put his hands up in front of his face, and for dignity's sake tried to keep back the cuss words. After the chorus of breaking glass was over, he put down his hands and walked over to the thing that had just exploded. None of the wiring had been damaged, but the carbon had been shaken up, and the glass, of course, was all over the place. He put on his coat and hat and started home for the broom.
" Mr. Edison! Mr. Edison!" The reporter looked about ready to jump out of his pants he was jumping so high. "To what do you owe your success?"
There were several different answers to that one. Should he go the standard route?
" I owe it all to my parents who worked long and hard to get me where I am now."
Or should he go for more of a wisecrack epic scientist answer?
"I owe it all to the scientists before me. They made science what it is today."
No, he needed something different and more exciting. Something no one had ever though of before. In his mind he went through his rooms looking for something new, different, and exciting that no scientist in history had ever said. He yawned and had it.
"I owe my success to the fact that I never had a clock in my workroom."
The reporters all scribbled it down.
Edison slowly poured in the carbon filaments. He thought he had it this time, the first practical incandescent lightbulb. His lightbulb. He held his breath and flipped the switch. The bulb flickered and died. Something was still wrong. He sighed and was stepping forward to turn it off when it started to flicker again. He stopped moving forward. The light flickered brighter and brighter until it was glowing strong. Edison went to light a match. There was only one problem. He couldn't find them. Still smiling, he turned over his entire workroom, carefully of course. Finally he found them on the shelf next to the door, right where they were supposed to be. He lit one and held it up next to his lightbulb. A perfect fit. In December 1879 he would show it to the world.
Source material-
I'm almost crying right now....
Just finished "Blood of Olympus" by Rick Riordan. Oh my Gallifry, I was almost crying by the end, read the Percy Jackson series if you haven't already! Why is it that almost every book ends with everyone dead? Hunger Games, Divergent, Percy Jackson, why? But I keep doing it to myself, you'd think I would learn!
Sometimes i feel like Hades from disneys Hercules when someone asks me how my fandoms doing,
Hades- " you know, a little dark, a little gloomy, and , hey, as always, full of dead people! "
Deep thought of the day- I need to read to read something happy for once.
Sometimes i feel like Hades from disneys Hercules when someone asks me how my fandoms doing,
Hades- " you know, a little dark, a little gloomy, and , hey, as always, full of dead people! "
Deep thought of the day- I need to read to read something happy for once.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Shopping, school, and sisters
So in school we did chemistry two years ago and I was sooooooo happy to have it done with. This year were doing biology which I was actually happy about, I luv biology. First chapter- The Chemestry in Biology. Arrg! Why???
We went to Goodwill and Walmart today ( not high end, but fun anyway). I got a really cute plaid shirt from Rue21 at Goodwill, so that was nice. But I'm really excited because I got glow in the dark nailpolish and hair mascara, I can't wait to try it! I luv doing my hair different colors.
My 8-year-old sis is on the phone with my BFFs little sis ( check out Em's epic blog here). She's trying to play the radio for her friend, and shouting over it because her friend keeps having questions! So cute! Irritating, but cute!
So there's my deep thoughts for the day, hopefully I'll have some even deeper ones after we get the car fixed tomorrow!
We went to Goodwill and Walmart today ( not high end, but fun anyway). I got a really cute plaid shirt from Rue21 at Goodwill, so that was nice. But I'm really excited because I got glow in the dark nailpolish and hair mascara, I can't wait to try it! I luv doing my hair different colors.
My 8-year-old sis is on the phone with my BFFs little sis ( check out Em's epic blog here). She's trying to play the radio for her friend, and shouting over it because her friend keeps having questions! So cute! Irritating, but cute!
So there's my deep thoughts for the day, hopefully I'll have some even deeper ones after we get the car fixed tomorrow!
Monday, October 6, 2014
Today we went to my orthodontist. I got my braces off about two months ago, but today she said my teeth had moved some! So she tightened the retainer and now my mouth hurts soooooo bad! Then we went to go visit my grandparents and my grandpa told me tons of stories about him learning how to drive, it was actually really cool! Then we went to Tuesday Morning and my little sis got a really cute tea set. It's tiny and soooooo cute!
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Hello world!
Today's been pretty boring, although I did watch the first episode of the 9th Doctor Who. I luved it soooooo much! Past that, absolutely nothing happened. *sigh* second day! and the blogs already boring!
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Keeping Score
( so here's my first story, sorry for all the misspellings and grammar errors! Of you spot something, please comment and tell me.)
Keeping Score
They watch you. They record every little move you make. Then they broadcast it to the general public. Like today when I grabbed my pencil out from under my little sister in a huff they were watching and my score went down a point. I'll have to be careful. Can't let it get down too low.
You slip up, you make the least little mistake and they are onto you. Then your points go down. But accidents don't bring them up.
" Wrong must be punished. Most one does is wrong. One must try to do right."
That's part of her speech. The one at the beginning of the ear. when they reset the boards, when they reset everyone's view of you.
At the beginning of the year people are numb. They don't know who they are. Right now there just a 50. A good place. Then about a week in people start to change. When the kid down the street looses ten points in the first day, people feel sorry for his parents and click there tongue at him. Then they keep shaking their heads until he reaches 0 and the authorities come to take him away. No one knows where they go, but everyone knows they don't come back.
We reset two months ago. I'm doing well, I've even gone up ten points. But the slip up this morning scares me. Too many like that and I'll know where the 0s go. My bag is packed and I'm on my way to school. I pause to look at the scoreboard. I recognize a few names of the people who have to start being more careful, there the rowdy kids at my high school. One of them was taken away this week. I continue to walk down the street, there's no bus for me, we don't have the money. No new shoes either.
A normal school day. math and grammar. Then lunch where I hide in a corner and hope the other kids don't find me and taunt my quietly when they think they aren't watching, making fun of my hair that has barely been brushed, and my clothes that are torn and stained. Then back into the building for the same history lesson as always.
Our founder was a virtues man who hated everything wrong and ugly in this world. So he built a town, a town with a wall, and brought his family and friends into it. His wife helped him with the scoreboard and they died happy, not seeing what they had done.
But people never question the greatness of there plan. Not even me. But you can see the looks on some peoples faces when they walk past the scoreboard.
I start to walk back home. I get a few glances, a couple people say hello, but mostly I'm just a 60. Not a person to pay attention to. Now a person who might be gone soon.
One of the people to stop and say hello is a friend from school, Clara. When Clara walks past people take notice. But not because she's losing points. No, Clara was a 90. She's the girl parents point out to there kids, urging them to be like her, most kids these days must be convinced she's never done a wrong deed in her life,
We talk for a minute. The scoreboard doesn't come up. It never does. Neither do the people who disappear. These subjects are off limits. Mentioning the scares people. And they have a point. After all, they are always watching.
Night. I decide to take a walk, and my parents don't object. Crime is checked here, no one would even think of stealing of murder for fear of the scoreboards, it's nice outside on the porch. I step down the stairs being careful not to step on the broken one I could crack through. I walk down the street breathing in the sweet air that almost tastes good. It's going to rain, I can smell it. Something is glowing in the distance and I walk towards it.
The bakery is on fire. Most people stand back and watch, but some people run inside and bring out a refills of bread, saving them from the fire. Clara is among those people. Suddenly I see something glinting in the fire. The corner of a money box is sticking out from under a fallen beam. I look around, no one is watching. I walk in and grab the box. I hide it under my jacket and back out. No one saw me. I sigh and head for home with the box, not bothering to check the scoreboard. I am safe.
They come for me in the morning. My score has dropped and they have come to take me away. I saw goodbye to my parents and my little sister and step into the back of the truck, silently cursing myself. I left the box where my parents could find it. They could find out what to do with it.
The road is long and bumpy. I wonder where we are going, but I am alone in the back of the truck, and there is no one to ask. After hours of bouncing up and down the truck stops and I get out. There are guards there wearing the same smile she does every year during her speech. They walk me into the building and into a smaller white room where a few more guards are standing. I walk in and they shut the door behind me. I take a look around the room. The walls are lined with guns and a blindfold is sitting on a small tables in the middle of the room. Suddenly I know why they don't come back.
The End
Keeping Score
They watch you. They record every little move you make. Then they broadcast it to the general public. Like today when I grabbed my pencil out from under my little sister in a huff they were watching and my score went down a point. I'll have to be careful. Can't let it get down too low.
You slip up, you make the least little mistake and they are onto you. Then your points go down. But accidents don't bring them up.
" Wrong must be punished. Most one does is wrong. One must try to do right."
That's part of her speech. The one at the beginning of the ear. when they reset the boards, when they reset everyone's view of you.
At the beginning of the year people are numb. They don't know who they are. Right now there just a 50. A good place. Then about a week in people start to change. When the kid down the street looses ten points in the first day, people feel sorry for his parents and click there tongue at him. Then they keep shaking their heads until he reaches 0 and the authorities come to take him away. No one knows where they go, but everyone knows they don't come back.
We reset two months ago. I'm doing well, I've even gone up ten points. But the slip up this morning scares me. Too many like that and I'll know where the 0s go. My bag is packed and I'm on my way to school. I pause to look at the scoreboard. I recognize a few names of the people who have to start being more careful, there the rowdy kids at my high school. One of them was taken away this week. I continue to walk down the street, there's no bus for me, we don't have the money. No new shoes either.
A normal school day. math and grammar. Then lunch where I hide in a corner and hope the other kids don't find me and taunt my quietly when they think they aren't watching, making fun of my hair that has barely been brushed, and my clothes that are torn and stained. Then back into the building for the same history lesson as always.
Our founder was a virtues man who hated everything wrong and ugly in this world. So he built a town, a town with a wall, and brought his family and friends into it. His wife helped him with the scoreboard and they died happy, not seeing what they had done.
But people never question the greatness of there plan. Not even me. But you can see the looks on some peoples faces when they walk past the scoreboard.
I start to walk back home. I get a few glances, a couple people say hello, but mostly I'm just a 60. Not a person to pay attention to. Now a person who might be gone soon.
One of the people to stop and say hello is a friend from school, Clara. When Clara walks past people take notice. But not because she's losing points. No, Clara was a 90. She's the girl parents point out to there kids, urging them to be like her, most kids these days must be convinced she's never done a wrong deed in her life,
We talk for a minute. The scoreboard doesn't come up. It never does. Neither do the people who disappear. These subjects are off limits. Mentioning the scares people. And they have a point. After all, they are always watching.
Night. I decide to take a walk, and my parents don't object. Crime is checked here, no one would even think of stealing of murder for fear of the scoreboards, it's nice outside on the porch. I step down the stairs being careful not to step on the broken one I could crack through. I walk down the street breathing in the sweet air that almost tastes good. It's going to rain, I can smell it. Something is glowing in the distance and I walk towards it.
The bakery is on fire. Most people stand back and watch, but some people run inside and bring out a refills of bread, saving them from the fire. Clara is among those people. Suddenly I see something glinting in the fire. The corner of a money box is sticking out from under a fallen beam. I look around, no one is watching. I walk in and grab the box. I hide it under my jacket and back out. No one saw me. I sigh and head for home with the box, not bothering to check the scoreboard. I am safe.
They come for me in the morning. My score has dropped and they have come to take me away. I saw goodbye to my parents and my little sister and step into the back of the truck, silently cursing myself. I left the box where my parents could find it. They could find out what to do with it.
The road is long and bumpy. I wonder where we are going, but I am alone in the back of the truck, and there is no one to ask. After hours of bouncing up and down the truck stops and I get out. There are guards there wearing the same smile she does every year during her speech. They walk me into the building and into a smaller white room where a few more guards are standing. I walk in and they shut the door behind me. I take a look around the room. The walls are lined with guns and a blindfold is sitting on a small tables in the middle of the room. Suddenly I know why they don't come back.
The End
So today was my 14th birthday, and I decided to celebrate it by finally getting a move on and figuring out blogger. My last blog was on weebly ( - check it out!) So I'm a teen girl from the USA who loves hanging with my friends, reading, writing ( I'll be sharing a lot of stuff here) and acting.
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