Saturday, January 31, 2015

Best Blogging Buddy Award!

So I've been meaning to answer the questions from my three Best Blogging Buddy Awards for a while and here they are!


   1)      Favorite little kid’s book (as in, kindergarten or younger)?
I think it was called " I love you this much" I have to read it in so long!

 2)      Favorite mid-elementary book?
The 39 clues series

3)      Night owl or morning person?
Night owl. But I still have to get up early so that doesn't do my push for me....

4)      Do you like being that way (referencing the above question)?
In the morning, nooooo. At night, yes!

5) Plays or musicals?
Musicals! I love singing!

6) Favorite secular Christmas song and favorite Christian Christmas song?
Oh my, probably " Mary did you Know"

7) If you could choose what your dying words will be, what would you pick?
" the million dollars are hidden under the......"
No, really I'd like to die telling the people I love that I love them

8) Which do you think is more important: justice or mercy?

9) Why to the above?
Justice is hard. You can never know if your doing the right thing, but mercy is always right. In my opinion.

10) Book and/or movie that’s going to come out that you’re excited for?
Black reckoning, Mockingjay, Doctor Who.... The list go's on and on!

11) If you could pick a fantasy weapon someone’s already invented (i.e., lightsabers, the Ring, Shardblades, etc.)
The Ring

12) Frodo or Sam?

13) What do you like to snack on, or do you not snack at all?
Salad. I know this makes me sound like a heath nut ( and I'm not) but it's true!

14) Three words that people often use to describe you?
Honest, kind, and bossy.

15) What did you want to be when you were little?
A princess. Like really, that's what I dressed up as for kindergarten "come as your job " day. I had my unicorn and everything.....

16) What question would you liked to be asked, and what is your answer?
That's hard. Probably " will you marry me" from the right guy or " how would you like to star in this major movie" either one would be a yes.

17) If you could go to lunch to meet a person from history, who would it be?
Probably Ann Frank. It would be hard, but I'd like to know more about her. Ditto with Laura Ingles Wilder


Three questions to add to the above-
18) If you could have any expensive car in the world, what would it be?
Cars? You mean like a Subaru or a Toyota?  Haha, I really have no idea!

19) Who is your favorite actor and/or actress?
Tom Hiddelston. Easy question.

20) Do you have a favorite horse breed?
Nope, I love them all!


 Favorite music? :

Dream vacation?:

Favorite thing to do? :


What is your favorite TV show?
Doctor Who! I luv that show!

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite animal?
I really couldn't choose.....

My Nominees are :

Answer all the questions above and these three

1. What's your dream job?
2. Reading or Writing?
3. If you could be meet any actor who would it be and why?

Have fun!

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