Friday, March 20, 2015
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!!!!! Wow, I can't believe I've known you for this long! Remember when we were ten, just discovering this brand new world of "acting", Thursday classes, and duct tape? Now we're pro at all and a few more, I can't believe it! Randomly stage fainting onto beds, the most random advice a person can give, Cowgirl Cookie and Snickerdoodle, the pilgrim play *shudder*, Doctor who, fangirling and writing letters, and awkward conversations(!), I can't wait for years more of all this!

Saturday, March 14, 2015
Join the ranks....
Teenagers. Those people that will dress up, go out to the mall with some friends..... And then spend all day on there phone. Those people that will wear there fancy jeggings and belly shirts to eat out at Wendy's even and must always look awesome.
Things are different with us teens when we have to wake up at 5am and head down to school for five hours or testing. On a Saturday. I went down for my SATs today so I can get into Dukes writing program this summer. There the clothing and makeup choices were a bit different than anywhere else. Sure, some people got all dressed up, but most of us were in sweatpants and Tshirts and barely any of the girls had any makeup on *gasp* the horrors! Half of the people in that building were sick and all of us were tired.
Later in the day everyone started to wake up ( including one guy who decided to shout cuss words down the hall.... You know a persons feeling better when they do that) but it still stayed much different than normal! So I get my test scores back in a week, hope I've done well!
Things are different with us teens when we have to wake up at 5am and head down to school for five hours or testing. On a Saturday. I went down for my SATs today so I can get into Dukes writing program this summer. There the clothing and makeup choices were a bit different than anywhere else. Sure, some people got all dressed up, but most of us were in sweatpants and Tshirts and barely any of the girls had any makeup on *gasp* the horrors! Half of the people in that building were sick and all of us were tired.
Later in the day everyone started to wake up ( including one guy who decided to shout cuss words down the hall.... You know a persons feeling better when they do that) but it still stayed much different than normal! So I get my test scores back in a week, hope I've done well!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Think of the most beautiful person you know. Girl if you're a girl, boy if you're a boy, no fair choosing someone of the opposite gender even if they are gorgeous. :) That person that you really want to look like. You don't think you're anything compared to her/him ( I'm just using her from now on because I don't think any guys read this blog so what's the point?) and anytime you're around that person you want to be her.
That person feels that way too. * cue gasps* have you ever seen a pic of you and your bestie and thought " wow I'm so ugly, I wish I looked like her" just as she was dissing her hair. Everyone has something they don't like about themselves and wish they can change if it's there glasses that they think look stupid on them, or the hair color they have that they spend hours in the bathroom trying to fix in the mirror, or the eyes that are oddly shaped and they take time every night to beg God to change.
I'm here to tell you that you're beautiful. Unless you're some random stranger reading this blog than I know what you look like and know that you are gorgeous. And if I haven't seen you.... Obviously you're a wonderful, beautiful person.
In this world we live in we are constantly shown people we can't be. The pictures on the front of magazines, the posters on the walls, the models in adds. We can try our best to be that person but can never make it. That because these people aren't real, there just paintings made to look like a person. And you don't ever have to look like that painting to be absolutely gorgeous, you are anyway.
Models are there to look like mannequins not real people, art and illusion are supposed to be fantasy.- Grace Jones
I've never wanted to look like the models on the front of magazines. I represent the majority of women and I'm very proud of that- Adele ( look up a pic of her! )
That person feels that way too. * cue gasps* have you ever seen a pic of you and your bestie and thought " wow I'm so ugly, I wish I looked like her" just as she was dissing her hair. Everyone has something they don't like about themselves and wish they can change if it's there glasses that they think look stupid on them, or the hair color they have that they spend hours in the bathroom trying to fix in the mirror, or the eyes that are oddly shaped and they take time every night to beg God to change.
I'm here to tell you that you're beautiful. Unless you're some random stranger reading this blog than I know what you look like and know that you are gorgeous. And if I haven't seen you.... Obviously you're a wonderful, beautiful person.
In this world we live in we are constantly shown people we can't be. The pictures on the front of magazines, the posters on the walls, the models in adds. We can try our best to be that person but can never make it. That because these people aren't real, there just paintings made to look like a person. And you don't ever have to look like that painting to be absolutely gorgeous, you are anyway.
Models are there to look like mannequins not real people, art and illusion are supposed to be fantasy.- Grace Jones
I've never wanted to look like the models on the front of magazines. I represent the majority of women and I'm very proud of that- Adele ( look up a pic of her! )
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Today me, Emma, and Emma's cousin Haylee ( did I spell her name right? Help me Emma!) went to go see Mockingjay at the dollar theater. Oh my that's movie is good. It's soooo sad at the end. I had to keep back tears as to not scare the random people beside me :) even if you haven't seen the movie
And/Or aren't going to see it you should look up the Hanging Tree scene. It's sooooo good! Effie Trinket has some of the best lines EVER in the Hunger Games movies. So does Katness and Haymitch for that matter but still. "That is mahogany "
We were in the parking lot of City Market today and S and Clare were both not feeling well, and mom was trying to unload the car by herself so I stood up to help her. Baaaaaad idea. I had kinda forgotten to eat lunch so I felt really dizzy and had to sit down again. Have you ever not passed out? I felt really dizzy and had hot flashes sorta and felt super tired. It wasn't fun. Oh and by the way.... "They're all going to want to kiss you, kill you, or be you."
And that is the end of my random post of the day. Eyes bright, heads high, smiles on everyone!
And/Or aren't going to see it you should look up the Hanging Tree scene. It's sooooo good! Effie Trinket has some of the best lines EVER in the Hunger Games movies. So does Katness and Haymitch for that matter but still. "That is mahogany "
We were in the parking lot of City Market today and S and Clare were both not feeling well, and mom was trying to unload the car by herself so I stood up to help her. Baaaaaad idea. I had kinda forgotten to eat lunch so I felt really dizzy and had to sit down again. Have you ever not passed out? I felt really dizzy and had hot flashes sorta and felt super tired. It wasn't fun. Oh and by the way.... "They're all going to want to kiss you, kill you, or be you."
And that is the end of my random post of the day. Eyes bright, heads high, smiles on everyone!
Friday, March 6, 2015
Come HERE fancy.
First off: this is my hundredth post! Hurrah!
Second: Elizabeth wrote a post a while ago about little children. Hers was about the children she was blessed to meet in Guatemala, but it got me thinking about the children we have here in the good old US of A. Today one of Clare and S's friends little sisters ( mailman's sisters first cousin :) came over well the rest of her family went skiing. She's almost three, and hearing her sit there talking to our hamster Katie saying " Fancy come out, fancy come out! " makes me realize just how sweet little children are once again. After we get to say, 7 life changes. We are all about other things, friends, clothing, money. These little children are truly happy just to sit there with a stuffed animal for hours. The little girl we're taking care of today just sat there for a good half hour with our cat ( and took some awesome selfies I wish I could show you) She ate everything on her plate and didn't complain once because why would she? These are pancakes! She came to our house in her PJs with rabbits on her feet, not caring that she was *gasp* not looking perfect! She saw her hair was mussed, and didn't try to fix it. Oh no, she messed it up more!
A lot of the older kids/teenagers/adults I know ( and there are exceptions! ) would never do this. we wake up in the morning and get dressed. Number one self check of the day. Then we brush our teeth (#2) and our hair (#3) at some point in the day a lot of us put on makeup (#4) and brush our hair at least one more time (#5). I'm not saying this is wrong, I do it as well! It's natural to us. But look at the difference. Doesn't it seem nice to just forget about all this for a day like the little kids do?
Do my question to my readers is: how would you like to be able to do this? Would you hate it?
Second: Elizabeth wrote a post a while ago about little children. Hers was about the children she was blessed to meet in Guatemala, but it got me thinking about the children we have here in the good old US of A. Today one of Clare and S's friends little sisters ( mailman's sisters first cousin :) came over well the rest of her family went skiing. She's almost three, and hearing her sit there talking to our hamster Katie saying " Fancy come out, fancy come out! " makes me realize just how sweet little children are once again. After we get to say, 7 life changes. We are all about other things, friends, clothing, money. These little children are truly happy just to sit there with a stuffed animal for hours. The little girl we're taking care of today just sat there for a good half hour with our cat ( and took some awesome selfies I wish I could show you) She ate everything on her plate and didn't complain once because why would she? These are pancakes! She came to our house in her PJs with rabbits on her feet, not caring that she was *gasp* not looking perfect! She saw her hair was mussed, and didn't try to fix it. Oh no, she messed it up more!
A lot of the older kids/teenagers/adults I know ( and there are exceptions! ) would never do this. we wake up in the morning and get dressed. Number one self check of the day. Then we brush our teeth (#2) and our hair (#3) at some point in the day a lot of us put on makeup (#4) and brush our hair at least one more time (#5). I'm not saying this is wrong, I do it as well! It's natural to us. But look at the difference. Doesn't it seem nice to just forget about all this for a day like the little kids do?
Do my question to my readers is: how would you like to be able to do this? Would you hate it?
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Dear Doctor Who
I'm sorry that I doubted you at first. Please understand, I was just upset about David Tennet regenerating, it wasn't personal. You were so good, and I only wish you had stayed longer. Your relationship with Rory and Amy and River Song was amazing ( I'm still deciding about Clara ) and I will miss those times. You were a great doctor, one of my favorites. Seeing you with David Tennet was great, and seeing you with Tom Baker was one of the greatest things that has ever happened on Doctor Who. I mean, it made no sense at all, why on earth is the fourth doctor a curator now? And more importantly, where was his scarf? That was just wrooooooong. But it was still great. I am still getting over your regeneration.
Ruth Anna
P.S- what's with the eyebrows?
Dear Peter Capaldi
The fact that I had to look up how to spell your name does not bode well for me liking you.
Ruth Anna
P.S- what's with the eyebrows?
Dear readers,
Sorry, I just had to post that. I just finished watching the last Doctor Who with Matt Smith.
- Ruth Anna
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