Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Think of the most beautiful person you know.  Girl if you're a girl, boy if you're a boy, no fair choosing someone of the opposite gender even if they are gorgeous. :)  That person that you really want to look like. You don't think you're anything compared to her/him ( I'm just using her from now on because I don't think any guys read this blog so what's the point?) and anytime you're around that person you want to be her.
     That person feels that way too. * cue gasps* have you ever seen a pic of you and your bestie and thought " wow I'm so ugly, I wish I looked like her" just as she was dissing her hair. Everyone has something they don't like about themselves and wish they can change if it's there glasses that they think look stupid on them, or the hair color they have that they spend hours in the bathroom trying to fix in the mirror, or the eyes that are oddly shaped and they take time every night to beg God to change.
     I'm here to tell you that you're beautiful.  Unless you're some random stranger reading this blog than I know what you look like and know that you are gorgeous. And if I haven't seen you.... Obviously you're a wonderful, beautiful person.
     In this world we live in we are constantly shown people we can't be. The pictures on the front of magazines, the posters on the walls, the models in adds. We can try our best to be that person but can never make it. That because these people aren't real, there just paintings made to look like a person. And you don't ever have to look like that painting to be absolutely gorgeous, you are anyway.

Models are there to look like mannequins not real people, art and illusion are supposed to be fantasy.-  Grace Jones

I've never wanted to look like the models on the front of magazines. I represent the majority of women and I'm very proud of that- Adele ( look up a pic of her! ) 

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