Today I went to see Sense and Sensibility with two of my friends. When we got there the only seats left that had the amount of chairs that we needed were in the very front row. So we all sat down, hoping that no one would run into us. 30 seconds into the play one of the actors came over to my friend Arielle and asked for her hand. She gave it to him and she kissed it. He did the same to me and then moved on, back to the stage. Me and Arielle laughed, but forgot about it.
Later on in the play, we figured out that the actor was playing the villain. He did it do well that I started to get scared. This guy had talked to me! How horrible! He's a nasty, no good, lying, cheating... wait. No. He's acting. In real life he's probably actually a lovely person.
That's what I want to be able to do. I want to be able to act so well that I make people really get into the play and leave real life for a couple hours and just get swept up in the characters stories. I want to scare people as the villain, make people fall in love with me as the romantic character, make people root for me as the hero. I want to be able to bring a person into my character's life with me, let them fall in love with me, let them hate people with me, let them feel my emotions with me. I want to be able to draw them in and keep them in the world that I am making. I want all that.
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