Monday, October 26, 2015


Today I was bored and started to look at some of the old blogs that me and my BFF Emma started. Here are a few tidbits from those...

Emma's first blog
Today Hannah Abby and me walked to Burger King for breakfast! :) It is super hot today! Might be me! Lol! Other than that didnt do much today! But it is Saturday so what can I say! :)

Her blog now
Pursing your dreams is never going to be something easy. You're gonna have to keep trying over and over to get what you want. You have to pursue it. And that's why I'm going to do a post on perseverance.

My first blog
Hi! It's Monday night, and I'm bored again. And I have to make my bed:(
I can't believe tomorrows the last day of 2013! Is anyone else going to stay up until midnight? I am, although it might just be in my room........ All alone......and bored.

My blog now I sure hope you know the link to this one!
What is love? There are many different ideas of it. Some people would say that it's seeing a person and not being able to see any of their faults. I disagree. I think that love is seeing all the persons faults, but not caring because you can see past those faults and see how wonderful they are. Some people say that love is needing attention from someone 24/7 but I think that it's more knowing that you don't need constant attention from him or her because you know that they're still there. Love is the best friendship you will ever have.

Our very first blog together
This is the blogadoodle! Post things that have happened to you during your funny home-school experiences, and if you feel like posting something go to the other blogadoodle to post whatever!!!!! YEAH!!!!Emma  
And feel free to add your odd words into the mix! 
like...............BLOGADOODLE!!! and dont forget croshnitting!!!!!

We've changed so much in just a few years. This is crazy!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops... just deleted that. Anyways, what I had said was: I was looking back at posts a few months ago from the beginning of Insanity is relative and everything has changed since with collage planning and future's and dreams.... its crazy. Totally crazy.

  3. It's ok, I read the first one:) It's really crazy! I was going to go to a fancy collage and then become a huge film actress... That's never going to happen, I know that now. But I was so sure that it all was!
