Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! It is now 7:01am, and i'm sitting here waiting for my sisters to bring all there blankets and things into my room so we can wait together until Dad wakes up, drinks his coffee and we can start opening presents. We made baskets this year out of paper so that we can keep all our stuff together unlike last year. We all have blanket, crafts to keep us busy, tictactoe boards, and water in them.
S's basket

Clare's basket

My basket. a little messy maybe...........

This year God blessed us with a great Christmas Eve. We've been going to a. Christmas themed amusement park where we live every CE, and last year some of our great friends came. This year us and 12 other people went ( I won't put on names in case of creepy stalker people) I had a ton of fun! It's amazing just how much fun waiting in lines with friends is! I think we rode like, three rides because of the half and hour line for the zip line that took like, 20 seconds. Some highlights were,
1. Singing Let it Go and trying to get everyone else in line to sing it too.
2. Pointing at the sky and saying "it's Santa" when a plane flew overhead. 
3. Crashing into each other on the Scrambeler 
4. Scaring ourselves silly on the Farris Wheel ( "when we go up raise your hands and look at the sky) 
5. Starting clapping randomly and hoping that random people would join in
6. Mimicking whiny singers
7. Pretty much anything that had to do with "it's Santa!" 
8. Selfies and Wefies and Photo Bombs
9. Listening to people claim there were ninjas and watching them try to prove it
10. Dropping mints on the ground then trying to give them to other people

I had a ton of fun! I'm so thankful for such great friends! 

Now Clare and S are insisting to Loony Tunes Christmas. I luv most of these songs, but " I Tawt I Taw Ol' Tanty Claus" is going to get really irritating after a while " but underneath that Santy hat he looks like that old puddy tat. 'Gotcha' and he don't know I've got a baseball ball bat! *beating upon the cat, random screaming* I know it wasn't him becaaaaaaauuuuuusssssseeee Santy don't have no Claws"  it a great song but....... If they play it one more time! And S is going insane because we've been in here for ages and Dad still isn't up! Aaaaaaahhhh!

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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