Friday, June 26, 2015

Book review: Rapunzel Untangled

Rapunzel Untangled by, Cindy C Bennett

Four Stars

What I Liked About It: This was a fun retelling of Rapunzel. I liked how they put it in modern day, it was a cool twist. I've read a lot of fairy tale retellings, but there aren't that many good retellings of this story out there. I've found maybe one other book and it was really bad. This one really stayed true to the story, and the romance was cute.

What I Didn't Like About It: The romance was just cute. And every two seconds. Over the top. I don't mind romance at all, and it's kinda expected in books like this, but I got tired of it in this book. That's not all Rapunzel is about, there's also a lot of other things. I also didn't like the dark magic they put in this. It was just gross and had no point. It wasn't even that creepy.

Am I Glad I Read It: I honestly can't remember the last book I wasn't glad I read! I liked this book and I got an hour for the summer reading program! :)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Book Review: My Sisters Keeper

My Sisters Keeper by Jodie Picoult

Four and a half stars

What I Liked About It: The story line was amazing, even of it was unrealistic.  I could identify with all the characters in some way, even the forty year old guy doctor, and I personally have never been a forty year old guy doctor. The plot was great, and the plot twists really got me.*Spoiler alert!!!*
 And you know Fault in our Stars, how the whole long novel is about getting to know a character, and then getting all sad when that characters boyfriend dies? It was a really sad book, and I was super impressed at how well the author did the death. Jodie Picoult managed to get twice the depth and sadness and pain in half a chapter. Like really, I can't remember the last time I cried that hard over a tiny characters death. It was amazing.
*End Spoiler!!!*
This book was really good, and I could connect the plot with moments when my little sister has been sick, even though this story is nothing like my story. I was able to find something.

What I Didn't Like About It: This is not a YA book, so it had some innaproriate content, but it faded to curtain every time, so it's more like you know just what's going on, but they don't tell you. It's implied. A lot of the romance was dumb as well.

Am I Glad I Read It: Yes. This book was super good and super sad.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Canyon City

     I am currently sitting by the edge of the pool at a hotel in Canyon City hoping that I look cool sitting on one of those sun bathing chairs instead of an idiot because it's night, and who try's to sunbath at 9:00pm? The mosquitos are trying to eat me alive, and I'm horrible afraid they're succeeding. We left our house at about 10 this morning and got here at about 12. Then Clare and S went to a pottery class and I walked around and looked at all the sculptures. The people that ran the store made every single piece there themselves, and there were two rooms packed with shelves to the ceiling that were full of pottery. I was super afraid going through there rooms, because if you knocked over one thing, the whole room would go over. Here's a link to their website. then we went to the hotel, then another hotel, and another one, and another one, because the hotels were so dang expensive. Then we went to lunch at Chilies, and then we went to Hastings. Hastings is my favorite store EVER! They have discount books and music and it's wonderful. I got my favorite book, Cress, and a CD by Tim McGraw, one of my favorite country singers. Then we went to this random music thing in the park and now we're back at the hotel!

Here's an awesome picture I found...

" Wonderland" An Allegory| Serafini Amelia| Alice-Down The Rabbit Hole| " Life's Issues"| Alice in Wonderland Quote

FYI- This post was written last night and then the hotels WiFi went out. I'm home now.

Monday, June 22, 2015

I am pleased to announce.....

That the first chapter of  Harry Potter Tripped over the Invisible Bunny: and other embarrassing stories of how totally smooth it is possible to be. is complete!!! It's called Harry Potter Tripped Over the Invisible Bunny and it is absolutely brilliant. Me and Emma co-authored this one, but there will be four other chapters written by me and four by Emma. They are all based on true events. And no, you can't read it, it's that awkward :) Here are a few examples or our totally awesome chapter titles......

The Very Visible Wheelchair


Harry Potter Got Run Over By A Sled

That Awkward Moment When Harry Potter And Voldemort Are Friends

( FYI, these are the least awkward ones, but let me know if you want any taken off Emma <3 )

There you are, an invisible rabbit!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Intelligent conversations about fries, sane sand, and Harry Potter

I've had lots and lots of awesome conversations with my BFF over the last, what, five or six years I think, and we have our own language. For example,

Emma-  It's so funny you bumped your head on that Very Visible Wheelchair the other day.
Me- Ya, but Harry Potter tripping over an Invisible Bunny was even funnier!
Emma- It was! And then there was the time he took that pucture...
Me- Totally! That was such sane sand!

Make any sense? It makes total sense to me and Emma. Thanks for being the Best Fry Ever!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

Friday, June 19, 2015

Beauty tips with a spoon

Sorry I haven't been posting much, I've had camp all this week. I'll write a real post soon.
All by Kathleen Kamphausen

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Friday, June 12, 2015

As The Ball comes closer and closer....

I'm here with handy hints! Wow, that sounded dumb. Anyways, here are a few.

hair hackspromtips`12
hair hackshair hackspromtips20promtips25promtips21promtips13
hair hackshair hacks

I'm putting this in bold so no one misses it in all these pictures. Does everyone remember during November when I put up pictures every day about writing? Good. Because I was thinking about doing that again, but with beauty tips for the ball. Would that be a good idea? Comment your answer! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


     You know how when you read a cliché high school book, there's always the super cool acting group? The most popular girl and guy are the lead roles, and all the other cool people are also in the play, and they all wear the perfect outfits, and have the perfect makeup and everyone loves them?
     That's a lie. Theater people are some of the biggest wierdos you could ever meet, and I'm proud to count myself as one of them. I've been acting since preschool, and I've met maybe three "cool" people in that whole time. Yesterday I went to the first read through of the play I'm currently in. No one in that room hadn't watched Doctor Who, and one of them was even dressed up like Matt Smith. Everyone was super loud, but as soon as a question was asked, everyone got quiet, even though everyone knew the answer and every little fact about it.
     But these people are by far the best people I've ever met. You join a play, and you get a whole new group that's practically inseparable for the duration of the play.  I walked into that room, met a few new people, and within two minutes I knew everything about them, and was totally cool with talking to them. When the play is over, it's not goodbye it's " I'll see you at the next play, whether it's a week from now, or a year from not, whatever. See ya." And then a year or whatever when you see them again, it's not awkward, and you don't have to slowly go back into being friends, it's like you saw them yesterday.
     The groups I've been working with for the last for years are two of the best groups ever. Sadly, I've now left one because it was getting to hard to maintain both groups, but they are still some of my good friends, and the coolest people I've ever met. The group I'm with right now is also wonderful.
     I love acting for the actual acting, yes, but I also love the people I get to do it with.

everybody at my old school called me a nerd. I really wish that I had this shirt.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

books and epic pictures

     I got my five free copies of my book! It's sooooo pretty! I can't wait to show you all. There thicker than I thought they were going to be too, because they put it in large print for some random reason.

     thats a little creepy. sorry if i gave u nightmares for the rest of your life...

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Car Crash

So the title is a bit of an exaggeration...Our road is a really bad dirt road with lots of sharp curves and potholes, and today as we came we came around the worst corner of the road we were a over the middle, and another car came at us on the wrong side of the road too, and when she saw us she threw on the brakes and jerked the wheel over to the right. She fishtailed and hit the hill on the side of the road and popped her tire. my mom and the other driver weren't hurt, and neither were me and the other two kids, a toddler, and I newborn in the cars, but everyone was super shaken up.

But when we were sitting there waiting for people to come and help, we met so many people. We met the two people who stopped, one to help and one with confusing motives, the woman driving the other car, her parents, her toddler, and her baby. We all stood out there at 7:30 at night and met people. The woman told us things about her family that she wouldn't have told us if we had just met her in the store. Her kid talked and talked and talked at us, and he wouldn't have otherwise.

We met a bunch or strangers, but by the time we left, I could see her mom in Walmart and know it was her. I probably won't ever see any of them again, but in half an hour I got to know people I wouldn't have.

Book Review: Fairest

This is a really bad picture, sorry.

Fairest by Marissa Myer

Four Stars

What I liked about it:
     I read this book after I read the others, and I think that is what made this book so striking to me. It's hard to write a long review about this book without giving away any spoilers, so as sad as it is, I'm just going to say here that I loved it, it drew me in and gave me a better view of the characters, and really made me understand the stories of some of the characters. I cry for books, but normally it's the halfway-kinda-cry but this time I actually had tears rolling down my face. This book is great.

What I didn't like about it:
      This book was more inappropriate than the others, and that really threw me off. I didn't think it went with the story.

Am I glad I read it:
   Yes, you just have to be careful reading this one. And sorry this review is so short, I didn't want to give anything away.