That's a lie. Theater people are some of the biggest wierdos you could ever meet, and I'm proud to count myself as one of them. I've been acting since preschool, and I've met maybe three "cool" people in that whole time. Yesterday I went to the first read through of the play I'm currently in. No one in that room hadn't watched Doctor Who, and one of them was even dressed up like Matt Smith. Everyone was super loud, but as soon as a question was asked, everyone got quiet, even though everyone knew the answer and every little fact about it.
But these people are by far the best people I've ever met. You join a play, and you get a whole new group that's practically inseparable for the duration of the play. I walked into that room, met a few new people, and within two minutes I knew everything about them, and was totally cool with talking to them. When the play is over, it's not goodbye it's " I'll see you at the next play, whether it's a week from now, or a year from not, whatever. See ya." And then a year or whatever when you see them again, it's not awkward, and you don't have to slowly go back into being friends, it's like you saw them yesterday.
The groups I've been working with for the last for years are two of the best groups ever. Sadly, I've now left one because it was getting to hard to maintain both groups, but they are still some of my good friends, and the coolest people I've ever met. The group I'm with right now is also wonderful.
I love acting for the actual acting, yes, but I also love the people I get to do it with.

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