Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I knew again today that I am a super awkward person. Today in drama class then we split up into two groups and each had to film a one minute movie, aka retell a story in a minute. I was with one person that we knew, and not very well. We picked Cinderella and being blonde, I got to play Cinderella. I have never been in a retelling of Cinderella without being picked as Cinderella. Such were the proceedings.

B- “everyone get in your places!!!!!!”
A- “B, chill!”
B- “Alright, sorry. OK, now would everyone please...”
J- * walks in with a nosebleed*” I am sacrificing blood for this movie!”
B-” come on guys!”
I-”where are we supposed to go?”
A- “you go over there, and B I want you there, and Ruth Anna you're there...”
B- “ I've been fired as director!”
Everyone- “yep.”
A- “ Everyone get in your place!”
Everyone- “Yes of course, what ever you say, right away, etc
Everyone- *ten minutes later are finally ready *

Fast foreword a few scenes.

A- “now Ruth Anna, take off your shoe.”

Today I was wearing my Toms. Without socks. I had thought there was no chance I was going to have to take them off so I just sprinkled the inside of my shoes with baby powder so it would be really bad if somehow I had to take them off, but I hadn't worried much. Now I started to panic. I slipped my shoe off and hoped that everything would be alright and no one in the room would pass out. I think everything was alright. It was and we finished the play happily.

Sorry for not posting in almost a week! And sorry for the boring post this time!

Friday, August 21, 2015


Last night I danced until 9:30 for two and a half straight hours. Honestly it wasn't as much dancing as it was flailing my arms randomly in the air and jumping up and down like I knew what I was doing. It. Was. Awesome. It was for Hannah D's birthday party and I'm so glad that that's what she decided to do. It was sooooo much fun! Thank you all so much and happy birthday again Hannah!

Thursday, August 20, 2015


Yesterday at my acting class she had us line up in order of height. Normally at those sorts of things I'm normally more at the taller side of the line. There were twelve people in the line. I stood near the middle of the line. One by one people came to stand next to me on the right, all of them taller then me.

I am fourth shortest.

I am one of the shortest people in the class.

This has never happened before!!!

This is so weird.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

First day of school and acting class

It is a wonderful thing to see someone and have them give you a huge hug saying "I'm so glad you're here!". It's a wonderful thing to see a friend that you haven't seen in a long time and a friend that you were afraid you might never see again. I love the school that I'm going to this year for my acting class! It's a terrific place. They have climbing walls up the stairs and a coffee shop next to the office. A lot of my friends from Shakespeare are there too and it's great to see them again. I've really missed acting! Sure, I've only been away from it for a month, tops, but I love it so much!

Monday, August 17, 2015

today was a very odd day

     I went to bed last night with a horrible stomachache because of my soy allergy. I woke up this morning still having a stomachache and Clare having a stomach bug or something, who knows what. A couple hours later we had all calmed down and were all packed into the couch and the lounge chair, peacefully doing school.
     " There's a bird in the house!" Clare screamed. I looked up to see a bird flying over my head and almost hitting me. We went to get the cats and dogs locked up so the bird wouldn't get hurt and... where we the dogs? They were nowhere in the house or in the backyard. I opened the front door and one of them walked in. I had no idea how they got out there because we have a fence around our backyard and the dogs aren't supposed to be let out in the front because they'll run away. The other dog had run away but thankfully came back in about five minutes. We found out later that they had slipped through the fence where the bear had ripped it up.
     Next for the bird. Mom picked up the thing he was sitting on and tried to bring him out of the house. The bird flew off, tried to go out a couple closed windows, perched on our laundry for a couple minutes, and then finally flew out the back door and sat on the porch where he sat for ten minutes until he flew away.
     All this had stressed me and my stomach out immensely and I took a nap on the couch for about an hour.
     The next time I woke up our cat Tiny was meowing on the wrong side of the door.  He, like the dogs had somehow gotten out when he wasn't supposed to. I opened the front door to get him in. I'm super glad I didn't step out to get him because our lovely cat had brought us a "present", a dead squirrel. I wasn't hurt at all and we had no idea how our cat had managed to kill it.
     I then took a drink of juice, brought my stomachache to the worse it had been all day and fell asleep for four hours. I just woke up.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Two really quick things

1. Happy birthday Clare!
2.I need help with a short story that I'm writing for a contest. I have until the end of September, but I need help soon! Please comment if you can help.

Thursday, August 13, 2015


You are welcome here; be at your ease.
Get up when you're ready,
Go to bed when you please.
Happy to share with you what we've got,
The leaks in the roof, and the soup in the pot.
You don't have to thank us or lauph at our jokes,
Sit deep and come often.
You're one of the folks.
- A sign on the wall of the house

      In old movies they always show people sitting outside on the front porch with all their many family members as it starts to get dark, sipping their coffee and listening to the record player in the house. This week I found out that it really is as peaceful as it seems. I went to Creede Colorado with one of my good friends and her a few of her family members and we stayed two nights in her grandparents house. We went so that E (my friend) and I cold go to the professional theater and see Guys and Dolls because we both loves acting. The play was so great that we went to go see Our Town the next day. I had to hold it back because of all the random strangers in the theater, but that play made me cry. If I had been alone I would have been sobbing. They preformed it so well and it was already a tragedy. I would love to act in that play! Guys and Dolls was really good too. I think I liked it better than Our Town, but it's really close. I also got as close to Johnny Depp as I'm ever going to get! He filmed Lone Ranger there a few years ago... :/
     The trailer was really cool. Me and my friend stayed outside in the Metal Bullet well everyone else stayed in the house. Which was both a really bad idea and a really good idea. It was a bad idea because we stayed up talking until at least 1am every night if not 2am, but it was a good idea because... well, because we stayed up talking until at least 1am every night if not 2am. I. Am. Exhausted.  I had a wonderful time, but not I'm going to go to bed and not wake up until at least next week. Later everyone!

Monday, August 10, 2015


I found this thing on Instagram that I thought was really fun.
1. put your ipod on shuffle
2. First song is the song they play at your funeral
3. The second is your battle song.
4. Third is your victory song
5. Fourth is the song they'll play at your wedding
6. Fifth is the song that will play when you are dying

My songs are
1. Girl on Fire
2. That's the way I've always heard it should be
3. Scream my name
4. Chances

Five is the irony. Ready for it?

5. To Life

Please. If any of you are still alive and are there when I'm dying, please play To Life. I will love you forever.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


I have officially O-ffic-ially driven a car. FYI. It was awesome. I was pretty sure I was going to kill both me and my dad, but I didn't which was pretty cool. No fields were driven into which was also pretty cool. Short post I know, I don't have much time, but I had to post about it. :) 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Squad Goals

  Have you ever had a deep conversation about how you should freeze acid into snowballs and throw them and Bananas at Russia and then rule it all because it serves Vladimir Putin right for majestically riding a bear. I casually had this conversation today over a cup of FroYo. Yes, everyone laughed at some point during the conversation, but it was mostly very orderly and smooth. A few of us also had a side conversation about how to eat a live shark, and then we all watched Bambi Vs. Godzilla. I believe everyone in the place thought we were nuts, but that was totally ok with us. I had a great time at the As You Like It cast party today.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Only One

     Have you ever started to do something and thought "That's dumb. Why should I do that?" And then you walk away. I do that all the time. I shouldn't sing at the top of my lungs well walking down the road. I shouldn't buy that Alice in Wonderland shirt. I shouldn't dye my hair green. Everyone will think I'm a total freak.
     But you know what? I don't care. You have only have one chance on this earth so make the best of it. So what if I want to dye my hair blue-green instead of red like everyone else? Who's it going to hurt? Not me, not you, not the person at the store who looks at me funny. If you want, you can do most anything and not hurt anyone, so why shouldn't you? There are worse things in life than people thinking you're a little weird. Weird is fun! So go for it. Live Free.