Monday, August 17, 2015

today was a very odd day

     I went to bed last night with a horrible stomachache because of my soy allergy. I woke up this morning still having a stomachache and Clare having a stomach bug or something, who knows what. A couple hours later we had all calmed down and were all packed into the couch and the lounge chair, peacefully doing school.
     " There's a bird in the house!" Clare screamed. I looked up to see a bird flying over my head and almost hitting me. We went to get the cats and dogs locked up so the bird wouldn't get hurt and... where we the dogs? They were nowhere in the house or in the backyard. I opened the front door and one of them walked in. I had no idea how they got out there because we have a fence around our backyard and the dogs aren't supposed to be let out in the front because they'll run away. The other dog had run away but thankfully came back in about five minutes. We found out later that they had slipped through the fence where the bear had ripped it up.
     Next for the bird. Mom picked up the thing he was sitting on and tried to bring him out of the house. The bird flew off, tried to go out a couple closed windows, perched on our laundry for a couple minutes, and then finally flew out the back door and sat on the porch where he sat for ten minutes until he flew away.
     All this had stressed me and my stomach out immensely and I took a nap on the couch for about an hour.
     The next time I woke up our cat Tiny was meowing on the wrong side of the door.  He, like the dogs had somehow gotten out when he wasn't supposed to. I opened the front door to get him in. I'm super glad I didn't step out to get him because our lovely cat had brought us a "present", a dead squirrel. I wasn't hurt at all and we had no idea how our cat had managed to kill it.
     I then took a drink of juice, brought my stomachache to the worse it had been all day and fell asleep for four hours. I just woke up.


  1. Ha ha yea, that was so funny. I wonder how tiny killed the squirrel.
    Tiny must be like, 'I saw you throw away my belated birthday present to Clare! Don't try and pretend like you didn't! I saw it with my own eyes!
