Sunday, September 27, 2015


     If somehow your are looking here instead of outside, look outside at the moon. Or rather, the lack of the moon. There is a full lunar eclipse tonight when the moon is closest to the earth, this is the first time this has happened in 33 years!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

And now for a word from our sponsers...

Emily, one of my wonderful readers, sent me this for the One for One challenge. I'll post my half soon!

And for those of you who have already participated, it's totally fine to do more than one...

So without further ado... My Day From the Point of View of A Dog

     After waking up in the morning, there didn't seem to be any reason I should stay awake.  My bowl was empty and I had to wait before my official feeder would fill it.
      So I took a nap.
      Oh and guess what!  I went on a walk today!  It seems like I do that every day, but every time is more exciting because there's always something new to smell.  I found this green thing in the grass and I ate it.
      And you want to know what else I did today?  Wait, I can't remember...Ah yes!  I took another nap only this time I had a dream.  I don't remember what it was about...
      I ate some more food.
      I rolled in the weeds.
      I took another nap.
      Then I went to bed.  Which is the couch.  And sometimes under my owners bed.
      Any way, it's been quite an exhausting but thrilling day!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


     I can't even remember the last time I was in a McDonalds. Most of the memories I have of that place is awful, because I went there when I was little so I had to go through the terrors of the... McDonalds Playground. I have very clear memories of sitting in the entrance to the slide having to laugh at my best friend when she made fun of people in that  little hallway of terror. I hated that place. I much preferred the Burger King playground.
     I do miss their chicken nuggets. We used to go their and get millions and millions of chicken nuggets, and I thought that they were the best things ever. I am now older and wiser and know that even in the chicken nugget category that they aren't much, but sometimes I still wish that  I could go there sometimes.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


     I really probably shouldn't be doing a post on love right now because the romance in my life right now is totally confusing right now and I'm trying not to think about it (Emma,Emily, we need to talk) but because Emma gave me this for the one for one contest I need to. But be warned, it will either be very short or very very long because I start ranting.
     What is love? There are many different ideas of it. Some people would say that it's seeing a person and not being able to see any of their faults. I disagree. I think that love is seeing all the persons faults, but not caring because you can see past those faults and see how wonderful they are. Some people say that love is needing attention from someone 24/7 but I think that it's more knowing that you don't need constant attention from him or her because you know that they're still there. Love is the best friendship you will ever have.
    What do you think love is?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

one for one

I have not been blogging nearly as much lately as I should. So I am starting a contest thingy, a one for one.
     Here's how it works. You can tell me in the comments to write a blog post about literally everything, from a post on philosophy to a deep description of my lunch. I will post about it as soon as I can. You can tell me to post as many things as you want. But here's the catch. You have to write  a post about it too. Mine will always be super long, but yours can just be a sentence if you want. You just have to post. If you don't have a blog but still want to do this, just email me your posts and I'll put them on my blog along with my post. BUT if you have already written a post about it you don't have to do another. For example, Emma just did  wonderful blog post about love. She can now tell me to write a post about love, but she doesn't have to write another post on her blog about love. Get it? Got it? Good. Begin!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

today was a good day

     Today was the first day of Thursday Classes, and I missed you soooo much Emma, Hannah, and Abby! First hour I had bible stud which went well, and then second hour I had to teach Beatrix Potter to a bunch of little kids. It. Was. Hectic. The story was WAY to hard to read with all of them shouting at me, and then the TV that I was using for the movie went bad, and it kept cutting out. Then we tried to play a game. Apparently Duck Duck Goose and Simon Says are too hard for preschoolers. But I made a bunch of new “best friends” and it was fun.
     Third hour was even more chaotic than the first two. They have somehow managed to completely mangle third and fourth hour by making one class into two classes, but one of those two classes is only half a class, and the other class is a class and a half and its very confusing. But history and awana sparks was fun.
     Then we went down for acting class again. Oh. My. I love those people. Here are a few tidbits of the day.

E- walks up to the very front of the room from the very back with a large frown “WHO COUGHED?”
A- *small voice * “me”
E- *smiles * “here then, have a cough drop.

Everyone- *is talking about the assignment *
A-” I have had ice cream twice today.”
J- “it's really hard”
Beth (who's name is now really Beth but there are too many B people)- “I want ice cream”
B- “There's ice cream?”
J- “ very har... Ice cream? There's ice cream?”
B- “I don't know.”
J- “ice cream!”
B- “Ice cream!”
Beth- “no.”
B- “no”
J- “no?”
Beth- “yes.”
J- “oh.”
A- “shoot me.”

Saturday, September 5, 2015


One of the plays I'm in  
  Auditions are scary. You have to get up in front of ton of people that you don't know that well, but you know that you're going to get to know them really well over the next few months well you're in the play together, and you really don't want one of their first impressions of you to be someone that isn't you at all because you're acting, but you also really want the casting director to think that you're someone else because you're acting. You forget half of your monologue because you're nervous, and you can feel your face going red. You get to the end of your monologue and freak out at the very quiet applause.
     Then you go through torture of the long wait for the cast list to come out. When it finally comes out, three hours after it was supposed to, you look at the list and feel a heavy weight hit your chest. Ranch Hand #3, how dumb. But you move on to the next plays cast list. This one's even worse. Girl #3. You try to make yourself feel better. You've read the play and you know that Ranch Hand #3 is a funny part, and you can do a lot with it. Then you go back to see who got the leads and you see what you missed.
     You're also the Tramp. That's an awesome part, and a lead! Like, the smallest lead in the play, but still a lead! You freak out. This is going to be awesome!

Well, that's what I did anyway.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


     I had my first auditions today for the Christmas shows I'm going to be in this year with my drama class. Today I auditioned for Christmas on the Range, which sounds like a really dumb play but it isn't at all it's actually awesome, and tomorrow I'm going to audition for Papa Panovs Christmas, I hope I spelled his name right.
     I actually think that this audition went really well! I did clam up  couple times and forgot a bit of my monologue but no one noticed. The monologue, a but from The Importance of Being Earnest, was one of the directors favorite monologues so I picked well! I hope it gives me an edge on the auditions!   I'm up against 4 other girls for the part I want so I really hope I did well!
     I love this so much.