Merry late Christmas! I am back from watching Doctor Who, so here's the promised post! Yay right?
So... I know that Christmas is all about Jesus and family and all that great stuff, but at the same time, I get stuff yesterday and I think everyone needs to know about my new stuff. And I want to know about yours? What did you all get? Comment and tell me! Here's a abridged list of what I got, because I don't think you find it incredibly interesting that I got a worm thingy in my stocking.
* Tickets to go see two plays at the Pikes Peak Center
*Gift card for Hollister
*Three gift cards for Amazon from assorted relatives
* One manicure set, one pedicure set, and four things of nail polish
*Jenga ( if that's how you spell it, I'm to lazy to get up and go and look.
*Doctor Who series 9
* and a few other random things.
You know what? I'm going to not give you the not actually inspiring at all post that I was thinking about doing because I can't think of anything to do. But ya, Merry late Christmas everyone!
I think you know what I got