Hey people, Elizabeth nominated me for the Liebster Award, thank you Liddy! So here you go.
What to do:
1.Post the award on your blog.
2.Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog.
3.Write 11 facts about yourself
4.Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and have less than 200 followers.
5.Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.
11 things about me:
1. I love writing but I get bored easily so the longest thing I've ever written is 23000 words! I mostly write short story's, flash fiction, and the occasional poem.
2. I bake a lot. Lately I've mostly been baking cookies and muffins and things like that, but I also like to try copying recipes from places like Chipoltle. I also like making pasta, I will make a lasagna out of any sauce and any noodle!
3. Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I like to read re-told fairy tales by people like Gail Carson Levine or Jessica Day George, but my favorite books are the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling. Although Unwind by Neil Shusterman ( I think that's his name:) is a close second!
4. I want to act professionally, and I've sent in letters to talent agency's near where I live and things. Right now I'm just doing small plays and talent shows where I live. I'm getting into bigger and bigger plays though! Last year I got the lead in "Comedy of Errors" by William Shakespeare!
5. I knit, crochet, sew, embroider, quilt, macramé, glue, tie, glitter, smash, cut, tape, and randomly attach things. I would love a shopping spree at Hobby Lobby more than any other place!
6. But I don't draw. Like, really, really, REALLY, don't draw. It's..... Interesting most times I try.
7. I really like to travel, but I've never been out of the States for reasons, none of which are my fault! I've traveled a ton around close to where I live and some around the States. I have plans to go to Paris with my BFF before we go to collage.But knowing us, we'll probably be 85 and just have gotten to Paris! :)
8. I mostly wear dark colors. I mean, I'm not goth or anything like that, I just don't wear bright colors. I've worn black for so long my sister was making fun of me on our walk the other day, saying she had better stand closer to the road than I was so we wouldn't get hit by a car!
9. I'm constantly trying to lighten my hair though! It's a ombré color right now with light blonde on the bottom and a really dark blonde on the top. I'm trying to lighten my hair out this summer so that it doesn't look all funky anymore! I also have died my hair pink, blue, green, orange, black, purple, and red before! I have used hair chalk, hair feathers, and hair mascara. My hair is super long, about to my hips so I love doing things with it!
10. I'm allergic to soy, which can be a real pain sometimes. I can't eat soybeans, soybean oil, soy lecithin, soy flour, or soy protein. Combined with my allergies to ham and Aspartame it can be very hard to eat anything!
11. I actually didn't find all these 11 things very hard to find! Wow, hooray, WO-HO!!!!!!!
Elizabeth's questions:
1. What book ending are you most disappointed with?
Allegiant not, the third book in the Divergent series. Not only did the author ( WARNING, SPOILERS) kill off the main character, but made the mainish character have a horrible ending and killed off my favorite character.
2. What book ending surprised you most?
Just One Wish by Jeannette Rallison. I was really surprised at the end, but not in a bad way. Yes, it was a sad ending to one of my favorite books and a cliff hanger at that, but it was a great plot twist!
3. Are there any movies you think are better than the books? If not, which ones come close?
Narnia. I personally hated the books. I lost interest in the first three chapters and then was confused at the end. What just happened? Did everyone die? Wait, was that Aslan or just some random lion? The Wizard of Oz is close to being just as good as well.
4. Do you prefer listening to altos or sopranos?
It depends. It's so hard to be a good soprano, so it can be hard to listen to most sopranos. But when there good, there great.
5. What kind of music do you like to listen to when you’re upset?
Taylor Swift and Owl City. Somehow Taylor Swift always knows what I'm thinking about ( I have absolutely no idea how she does that. It must have nothing to do with her getting paid millions of dollars for it) and Owl City makes me laugh.
6. What song do you want sung/played at your funeral?
The ending song from Les a Miserables. I also want that's quote on my gravestone. " Do you hear the people sing, lost in the valley of the night, it is the music of a people who are climbing to the light. For the retched of the earth there is a flame that never dies, even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise."
7. If you had to own a store, what would it sell?
I would have a huge store with a book/movie section, a clothes/jewelry/makeup section, and a DIY hobby section.
8. Are you left-brained or right-brained?
Right brained I guess.
9. Do you like personality tests and other get-to-know-yourself stuff? Why or why not?
Sometimes. Some can be really dumb, but others are great. Like the ones where you take the test and then they take your personality and then sort you into a faction or a district or tell you what character you would be in a Princess Beide or what kind of muffin you would be if you were food, I love those. There really dumb and really fun!
10. What’s a movie you really want to see?
Age of Ultron, Mockingjay part two, Into the Woods, lots of stuff.
11. If you could only read three books for the rest of your life, which would they be (besides the Bible)?
That is really, really, really hard. Probably some kind of DIY survival book, either the 4th or 7th Harry Potter book, and ummm, oh my, I don't know! Maybe Unwind? Or Hunger Games?
And there you are. 22 random facts about me. Now for the questions I have for my nominees.
1. What is your favorite movie and why?
2. So you like being outdoors or being indoors more?
3. If you could live in any time period, present day included, what would it be?
4. What would you do if you could change anything about your appearance?
5. Would you rather get a tattoo or dye your hair a odd color?
6. If you could be any fictional character who would it be? Why?
7. Touch screen or computer?
8. If you can have one thing right one, what would it be.
9. What is your favorite country?
10. How hard was it for you to find out 11 things about yourself?
11. Do you like writing novels, novelettes, short story's, flash fiction, or poems? Why?
My nominees are..........
1. Abby
2. Clare
3. Cameo
I would nominate some of my other BFFs, but you all have already have been nominated! But if any of you want to so this all again, have fun with my questions!
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