Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentines Day/Thursday Classes

Valentines Day is  the worst holiday for me. So many people talking about there boyfriends and there crushes and there love lives and I'm just sitting there like "next year maybe". I luv holidays, and if wish I could be part of this one. :( what are you're opinions on Valentines Day?

Thursday classes: first hour is a mix of trying to knit and count stitches and talk at the same time. Second hour is writing critique where people keep shouting over each other and  today I FaceRimes Emma and Abby into class. We could barely hear them of see them. Third hour is baking where I try not to fall asleep after two hours of insaneness. Fourth hour I have to wake myself up again so that I can take care of a bunch of crazy two year olds running around screaming. And then today after fourth hour I had to go through one of the most awkward experiences of my entire life ( tell y'all about that one later.....) it's horrible, insane, exhausting, and all together the best day of the week!


  1. Give me the awkward deep darkness!!! PLLEEAASE??? I NEED TO KNOW!!! WHY WONT YOU TELL ME????????

    1. BWAHAHAHAHA I'm not actually allowed to tell yet, but I will soon! We need to have a sleepover so I can tell you all the awkward things that happened this Valentines Day!

  2. WHAT YOU CANT END YOUR POST THERE!!!!!!! TELL MEEEEEE (or email it to me) oh and btw can you email me the recipe in cooking?

    1. I luv how everyone on here picks out that tiny little sentence :) i will, but you could also just ask her next week because she didn't actually give one out.

  3. Ah ha! I know. That nust have been super awkward and super funny!!!

  4. Yeahhhhh that was awkward wasn't it.

    1. Ugh, you too? I personally think we should seek revenge. :)

    2. Wellll it was kinda hilarious.

    3. *tsk tsk* Revenge aint kind and good

    4. Haha, me and Emily have it all worked out. Because you guys got Valentines day this year, I get April Fools. :)

      Why did everyone pick out that one small, tiny, little sentence out of that whole blog post? Honestly people......
