Friday, July 31, 2015
The Last Day
The tale of the day the fourth
A lot of stuff helped happened today, but my brain is gone forever down a deep dark hole in the middle space. I had to go through my awkward scene in front of everyone, and even though I hoped, prayed, and begged that no one would make things ever MORE awkward, none of that worked and I had a running commentary that went something like this,
Him- " your lips will feel them the sooner" *kisses my hand*
crowd- Awwwwww, Ohhhhhhhh, luuuuuuuv!
It was really hard not to lauph
Him- " your lips will feel them the sooner" *kisses my hand*
crowd- Awwwwww, Ohhhhhhhh, luuuuuuuv!
It was really hard not to lauph
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Day two and three of Shakspearth
Asth Youth Liketh Itth isth goingth reallyth wellth! ( I love putting th of the end of everything now.) We go through blocking all of the play in three days, which if you don't know is super good! Three days is practically unheard of! I'm super happy. And the blocking is really good too, I love our director. Some of it kinda pushes the line into AWKWARD! But most of it is really cool, like the part where I always carry around my stuffed sheep everywhere and play with it everywhere. It's really nice when everyone's just sitting around staring at the air and I can sit there and play with the "sheep". People keep reading around me to pay with the sheep too and this morning when I forgot my sheep somewhere everyone yelled at me because of the poor left behind sheep. And the time I dropped it on the stage...
We're going to go through the whole thing tomorrow and I can't wait to see it all! Everyone's been working really hard on everything and it shows. The plot of the play I don't find super interesting compared to a lot of his other plays, but when you get it onstage with good actors and props and everything. We're setting this play in 1920-1930 New York and I'm a hobo in Central Park. It's really fun! Hope to see you all there!
We're going to go through the whole thing tomorrow and I can't wait to see it all! Everyone's been working really hard on everything and it shows. The plot of the play I don't find super interesting compared to a lot of his other plays, but when you get it onstage with good actors and props and everything. We're setting this play in 1920-1930 New York and I'm a hobo in Central Park. It's really fun! Hope to see you all there!
Monday, July 27, 2015
A few tidbits from day one of As You Like It
1. Me, A, K, and EI: *raises pain roller in the air* "PAINT ALL THE THINGS! PAINT ARRRRRRMY!"
He yells " everyone down!" And we're all on the floor. ( see me there in the front row with the black skirt?)
3. Me, A, K, B, J, and Me all crowded into a tiny bathroom because that bathroom was an improved backstage. Do you know how hilariously awkward it is to be crammed into a tiny bathroom with people of mixed genders? Very. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have the group I had.
4. We were doing an improve skit about a girl who brings her fiancé home to meet her parents. I was the mom, E was the dad, J was the fiancé and K was the girl.
K- "This is Alex."
Me- " He's lovely!"
E- " Just a moment please" *drags J offstage* *bangs offstage* *comes back without J* the weddings off. That was my cell mate from prison.
B- * deep voice* "I'm Batman. No, I sound like a sick goat so I'm Goatman."
I- " oh, ok." * deep voice* " Then I'm Batman."
B-" arrrrrr"
I- " arrrrr"
And here's my favorite from the day......
I- " Hi!"
Me- " Hi!"
I- " How are you?"
Me- " good, you?"
I- " good."
Me-" cool."
I- " WINDMILLS!!!!!!" *walks away*
Have I mentioned how much I love this?
3. Me, A, K, B, J, and Me all crowded into a tiny bathroom because that bathroom was an improved backstage. Do you know how hilariously awkward it is to be crammed into a tiny bathroom with people of mixed genders? Very. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have the group I had.
4. We were doing an improve skit about a girl who brings her fiancé home to meet her parents. I was the mom, E was the dad, J was the fiancé and K was the girl.
K- "This is Alex."
Me- " He's lovely!"
E- " Just a moment please" *drags J offstage* *bangs offstage* *comes back without J* the weddings off. That was my cell mate from prison.
B- * deep voice* "I'm Batman. No, I sound like a sick goat so I'm Goatman."
I- " oh, ok." * deep voice* " Then I'm Batman."
B-" arrrrrr"
I- " arrrrr"
And here's my favorite from the day......
I- " Hi!"
Me- " Hi!"
I- " How are you?"
Me- " good, you?"
I- " good."
Me-" cool."
I- " WINDMILLS!!!!!!" *walks away*
Have I mentioned how much I love this?
Sunday, July 26, 2015
As You Like It is premiering this Saturday at the Black Box Theater! Check out my previous blog post about it here. Please come, I want to see all of you there! ( I'm talking to you Emma. I need to show you other Voldemort because he seems to always be wearing a big floppy hat. And you didn't come last year... *whiny face*)
Saturday, July 25, 2015
I can't
( First off, does anyone ever read this blog anymore?)
Have you ever looked at something and thought " I can't do this even though I love it." I can't write. I can't sing. I can't draw. I can't act. This happens to me all the time. I love something that I'm doing, but I really think that I can't do it. Here is a story via two pictures about how you can.
This is an actor from 21 Jump Street. He's pretty awful. He barely has any range in his acting, and his "cringe worthy" scenes don't make me cringe at all. His role as this character is widely known as being super dumb. He did get the lead part though in a large TV show though, so well done him. And he developed a character even though said character is dumb and empty most of the time. He has his moments, but overall, he's a pretty bad actor.
This is an actor from just about every movie ever made. He. Is. Amazing. I wish every day that I had a fraction of his talent. He's on most lists as one o the greatest actor ever. You have a movie with him in it for 30 seconds, and that movie has his name all over it because people will go and pay however much they have to so they can see that movie. He has terrific range in his acting and created wonderful characters.
So get it?
Bad actor.
Good actor.
Ok, so you have that. Now after all that are you ready for the meaning behind this story?
These two people are the same person.
You can do it.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
my life

"Remember that time last year with the shirt?"
And we both started laughing. Last year! You can run around the stage randomly shouting your "true loves" name without it seeming odd at all and everyone else totally gets why your running around shouting. When your an actress it's perfectly normal to sit in a cardboard box just because. I have known people to walk around in a medieval jesters hat all day because they felt like it.
The greatest part of my life is when I walk onstage in a completely weird costume and makeup to the nines, and not being able to see the audience because of the lights shining in your eyes but being able to hear them cheer and boo and hiss through the play.
Have you ever let go at some point in you life? Been totally weird because you could? And didn't it feel awesome?!? Imagine that almost all the time. That's my life. And I love it.
Friday, July 17, 2015
I just got the dreaded email ...
I checked my email this morning an email from Plato's Closet. Spend $40 and get a free tote bag. Great right? I mean, there's no way I'm spending $40 there, but it's a good idea. I was confused though, why $40? Their last ads were for way less. Then I saw the reason.
It was a back to school ad.
It's coming guys.
And there's nothing we can do to stop it.
It was a back to school ad.
It's coming guys.
And there's nothing we can do to stop it.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
That moment
That moment when the great romantic evening you had planned for months ends up with you not getting asked to dance with any guys and not dancing with any guys and your crush wasn't even there and the night ended up with you dancing with your girls and being too afraid to ask a guy to dance.
That moment when you know that it doesn't matter at all that you didn't have the romance of the decade that day because you are surrounded by almost all of the people that you love most in the world and you're so, so happy because of them and you forget about all your plans because it's just so dang fun to dance like no one is looking with your best friends and you forget about all the bad things in your life because of the people that you are surrounded by.
That moment when you don't ever want anything to change, you just want to stay right there in that moment forever because you're so happy.
Thank you all for tonight.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
One more dawn!
One more day!
One day more!
One more day until the ball! I'm so excited! I have almost everything figured out and I'm really hoping everything works out fine! I'm scared because I had my hair all figured out, and then I actually tried it the other day and my hair looked all greasy and gross and my hair didn't curl all the way. I'm going to give myself plenty of time tomorrow so I can wash it out again if it looks bad! I'm super excited! Anyone else as excited as I am? Everyone cross your fingers and hope that Voldemort, Harry Potter, Superman, and Ant-Man come! :)
Oh and, by the way, tomorrow will be today and today will be yesterday and yesterday will be today because today is tomorrow.
Monday, July 13, 2015
As You Like It
Me and Emily, one of my
best friends ever
are in
As You Like It
right now at the Black Box Theater in Colorado Springs, and we would
love you all to come to the show! Everyone! Best friends,
acquaintances, random strangers that I've never met before and are
just reading my blog because.
As You like it is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare and really funny! We're setting it in 1930's New York City. That means that castles are penthouses with the duchesses etc being the local millionaires and the forest is Central Park and the shepherdesses and such are hobos.
As You like it is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare and really funny! We're setting it in 1930's New York City. That means that castles are penthouses with the duchesses etc being the local millionaires and the forest is Central Park and the shepherdesses and such are hobos.
The play is on August 1st
(2015 just in case you couldn't guess.) There are going to be two
performances, one at 2pm and the other at 7pm. You need to buy the
tickets early because it's a small theater and it sells out fast. You
can but them here
at $5 for students, seniors, and military and $10 for everyone else.
Please come! I would love to see you all there! I'm playing Corina and Emily is Jaqueline so watch out for us! And I beg your pardon in advance for the huge picture.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
I'm sooo excited!
The ball is in less than a week!!!! Here are some tips, sorry that I kinda failed at doing them every day! XD WARNING!!! I have no idea if the glue one is for real, it just looked cool!

Friday, July 10, 2015
Guys, I need help
My awkwardness is hitting strong right now. Today I both almost tripped over Harry Potter in the store because he was standing right behind me when I didn't expect him, then I had a conversation somewhat like this at a friends family's house.
sisters friends brothers friend who we're calling T- *walks into the house*
my family- *subtly pretends we don't see him because etiquette*
T- *subtly pretends he doesn't see us because etiquette*
Our-friends-mom-who-we're-calling-Mrs.X: * Doesn't see etiquette* Come and meet the ( our family name) guys!
T and his friend in the family, F- awwwwwwww
Me- * Feels my face start to heat up because they probably already hate us judging by there last comment.*
Mrs. X- come on T. This is Mr. P, and this is Ruth Anna. Oh you know Ruth Anna don't you T!
I do know T, but I think T doesn't know me. It's one of those awkward situations.
T- Ummm, maybe.....
Me- * tries to cover up my awkwardness* IknowhissisterJ
In case you didn't catch that, I said "I know his sister" J. I slurred I was so awkward.
Me- * prays that J really is his sister*
T- Oh ya, that's right!
Now this conversation probably wasn't awkward for him at all because he probably isn't awkward like I am. But for me it was very odd. And I really hope that the rumors are true that blushing is cute, because I must have been bright red the whole time. I need heeeeeeeeelllllllllpppppppp!!!!!!
sisters friends brothers friend who we're calling T- *walks into the house*
my family- *subtly pretends we don't see him because etiquette*
T- *subtly pretends he doesn't see us because etiquette*
Our-friends-mom-who-we're-calling-Mrs.X: * Doesn't see etiquette* Come and meet the ( our family name) guys!
T and his friend in the family, F- awwwwwwww
Me- * Feels my face start to heat up because they probably already hate us judging by there last comment.*
Mrs. X- come on T. This is Mr. P, and this is Ruth Anna. Oh you know Ruth Anna don't you T!
I do know T, but I think T doesn't know me. It's one of those awkward situations.
T- Ummm, maybe.....
Me- * tries to cover up my awkwardness* IknowhissisterJ
In case you didn't catch that, I said "I know his sister" J. I slurred I was so awkward.
Me- * prays that J really is his sister*
T- Oh ya, that's right!
Now this conversation probably wasn't awkward for him at all because he probably isn't awkward like I am. But for me it was very odd. And I really hope that the rumors are true that blushing is cute, because I must have been bright red the whole time. I need heeeeeeeeelllllllllpppppppp!!!!!!
Friday, July 3, 2015
Alice in Wonderland and the ball
Is anyone else as obsessed with Alice in Wonderland as I currently am? I found a shirt at Hot Topic a few months ago and fell in love, then looked it up on Pinterest and it just went from there. Here are some awesome quotes!

And I will get a few tips for the ball soon. Sorry I haven't been doing it every day, I've been really busy!
And I will get a few tips for the ball soon. Sorry I haven't been doing it every day, I've been really busy!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
La Junta
I went to La Junta Colorado yesterday morning with some friends and came back this morning. We went to this old restored fort called Bent's Fort and walked around there for about two and a half hours. It was really cool! I love history, and this was all about the history of that part of Colorado. There was two floors full of restored rooms, and all the edges of the top floors didn't have any barricades so you could fall right over the edge. It was really freaky with all the little kids that were with us! Then there was a huge bell that we must have rung twenty times and annoyed everyone else in the fort.
After that we went to Pizza Hut, and ate pizza, big surprise right? Then my family and my BFF Emma went to a cabin in the KOA in town and got it all ready for the night, then went downtown for a while and looking in some old antique stores and stuff. As we passed Sears, the guy who worked there was outside and said to Clare a bit oddly. " Live Free right? Don't let anyone else tell you what to do." We all just kinda stared at him and then left, thinking he must have been drunk. Then halfway down the street Clare stopped. " My shirt, it says Live Free!" Mom went back to apologize for thinking he was drunk and he apologized for looking like a creep. It was really funny! :)
Then we went back to the KOA and swam for a few hours until it started to lightning and we had to get out of the water. We ate dinner and watched Duck Dynasty until 10. Me and Emma stayed up until 11pm passing a notebook back and forth between the bunk beds writing more of our book and then finally got too tired and had to go to sleep.
The next morning we went swimming again and ate Subway and went shopping. Then we went back home. It was fun, thanks for coming Emma!
After that we went to Pizza Hut, and ate pizza, big surprise right? Then my family and my BFF Emma went to a cabin in the KOA in town and got it all ready for the night, then went downtown for a while and looking in some old antique stores and stuff. As we passed Sears, the guy who worked there was outside and said to Clare a bit oddly. " Live Free right? Don't let anyone else tell you what to do." We all just kinda stared at him and then left, thinking he must have been drunk. Then halfway down the street Clare stopped. " My shirt, it says Live Free!" Mom went back to apologize for thinking he was drunk and he apologized for looking like a creep. It was really funny! :)
Then we went back to the KOA and swam for a few hours until it started to lightning and we had to get out of the water. We ate dinner and watched Duck Dynasty until 10. Me and Emma stayed up until 11pm passing a notebook back and forth between the bunk beds writing more of our book and then finally got too tired and had to go to sleep.
The next morning we went swimming again and ate Subway and went shopping. Then we went back home. It was fun, thanks for coming Emma!
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