Wednesday, December 30, 2015


     Hey! So, I was trying to make my email let me follow people and I think I might have made it work? But I'm not getting emails or anything, so I'm not really sure! So could you all tell me if it worked? I should now be following:
*Elizabeth W.
* Hannah W.
* Elizabeth N.
* Hannah D.
* Emma
* Dr. Elemis Potts

    And if anyone else has a blog,  would love to follow you, or whatever I'm doing. Leave me the link in the comments! I swear I'm not technologically impaired (ok, maybe a little) I'm just trying to figure out a way to fix this without getting a whole new email!

Saturday, December 26, 2015


Merry late Christmas! I am back from watching Doctor Who, so here's the promised post! Yay right?

     So... I know that Christmas is all about Jesus and family and all that great stuff, but at the same time, I get stuff yesterday and I think everyone needs to know about my new stuff. And I want to know about yours? What did you all get? Comment and tell me! Here's a abridged list of what I got, because I don't think you find it incredibly interesting that I got a worm thingy in my stocking.
* Tickets to go see two plays at the Pikes Peak Center
*Gift card for Hollister
*Three gift cards for Amazon from assorted relatives
* One manicure set, one pedicure set, and four things of nail polish
*Jenga ( if that's how you spell it, I'm to lazy to get up and go and look.
*Doctor Who series 9
* and a few other random things.

     You know what? I'm going to not give you the not actually inspiring at all post that I was thinking about doing because I can't think of anything to do. But ya, Merry late Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!! I'm sooooo happy it's finally here! Not so happy it's almost over though :( Tomorrow I'll do a full "Christmas haul meant to be inspirational but not" kind of a post, but right now I'm watching my new Doctor Who and just wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! <3

Monday, December 21, 2015

Sooooo close!

Christmas is in just a couple of days! What happened? Time goes so fast! But is anyone else as excited as I am? Schedule:
Monday (today): Finish up all the homemade presents
Tuesday: Christmas shopping with my little sister's friend.
Wednesday: Christmas party @ friends house
Thursday aka Christmas Eve!!!: Santa' Workshop and church
Friday: CHRISTMAS!!!!!!

     What about you all? Anything epic happening with you for the holiday season?

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Old friends vs New friends

     One of my favorite books when I was little was Friendship According to Humphrey, and I still vaguely remember a couple of the quotes from it. One that's really stuck with me was something about old friends being gold, but new friends being silver. I've remembered that quote a lot lately because of how my life's been going.
     I have a lot of great friends that I've had for five or more years. And then I have the group of new friends that I've known for less than a year for most of them. And they're a lot different. I'm definitely not saying that either of these groups are better than the other, I love all my friends. But they're different.
    The group I've known the longest are mostly all near my age, either 15 or 16 now. My newer group of friends are mostly a lot older than me, a few of them are as old as 18. Both groups are crazy and I love it, But the longer known group of friends make more jokes, well the new group are more physical about how crazy they are, there's a lot more pain with this new group! The group I've known for longer are all girls, with the guys not being that close of friends. The new group is both girls and boys.
     But almost none of the people in these two groups know people from the other group. And neither of them are better. But it's weird how things change isn't it? When I was 9 I would never have wanted friends than were three years older than me. But now I do have friends like that, and I love them.
     My old friends know me better, and I wouldn't give them up for the world. If I went up to one of my new group friends and said "Argentina has good beef" they wouldn't get it. But I love all my friends, even though they are very, very different.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


In the six years that I went to Thursday Classes, I met some of the greatest friends of my life. I have had many friends over the years, but this group was by far the best. I knew that all of them cared for me, and I loved them with all my heart. I still do.

But I'm not able to go to Thursday Classes anymore, and a lot of my friends from their aren't going anymore either. It's understandable I guess, It's been six years and lot's of things change. Ages 9 to 15 is a little bit of an age gap! So things have changed.

But it's sad. I can't count on Thursday Classes anymore to let me see my friends once a week at least, more if we got together outside of Classes. Now I have to plan seeing each of my friends for weeks. It's much harder. Some of my friends I haven't seen for months, and some I don't know when I'm going to see again.

The Christmas Ball is coming up soon, and for the first time since they started the balls, I won't be going. I used to be able to give out my Christmas presents to all my friends there at the ball, because I'd know you all would be there. Now I have to search and plan a time when I know that I'll see you one at a time and give you your presents then. No more gift giving all at once.

Practice for Our Town has started up now, and that means that soon I'll be able to see a lot of you every week again. But even now, things are different.

I love you all so, so, so much. I'm really glad for the strong relationships that we all still have. I wouldn't change my friends for the world. I miss you guys! <3

Friday, December 11, 2015


Sorry that I'm not following any of my followers back! I got my email a while ago, and it's not set up with the new version of Blogger, so I can't follow anyone. I'm trying to fix that still! Thank you all soooooo much for following me!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Tech week and jitters

This week I had practice every day of the week. I started out all gung-ho, "I can totally have a sleepover, a party, and a four hour tech run today!". No longer. Now I am more " I can't even remember running that scene yesterday and I'm about to pass out."
Every day has gone until at least 8pm, later most of the time. And I'm super tired. My conversations are very intelligent. A tidbit from a couple days ago:
me: *coughs*
J- "what?"
me: "I didn't say anything."
J: "what?"
me: "what?"
J: "who?"
me:" how?"
J: "cat"
me: "Giraffe"
J: "How dare you say giraffe!"
me: "sorry!"

See what I mean? And in this week only I have said both adoikable instead of adorable and headbrush instead of hairbrush. This lead to a lot of singing " Where is my Headbrush!" backstage.
AND THE PLAY IS TODAY!!!! I'm sooo tired, I hope I make it!
Backstage Badger (theatre techies): MOSTLY THE FOOD PART!!! And not only during tech week!: Pinning this as the roof of my old theatre group caved in this morning and they're now demolishing it. It was an unstable, small, ancient building, but...Generations of memories. Props. Photographs. Light and sound equipment. Autographs. And nothing was saved.  The people that grew up acting there have become family over the years. And we still are...  RIP Creative Dramatics Workshop.:

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A very good couple of days.

I spent a couple of hours last night watching Barbie with my friends. I should mention that we are all at least 14. But we loved it.
Before that I went to play practice and let a girl who was probably 11 or 12 do my stage makeup when I was the first person who she has ever done makeup on. I was terrified. But she actually did a really good job! Better than I have ever done! I also ran through a mistletoe scene many, many, many times. I think that the rehearsal went really well.
After that I stayed up late writing stories about romantic cannibalistic puppets. And if I may say so, we are absolutely hilarious. We also baked a wonderful blueberry muffin cake and ate pizza. We also got crazy at one in the morning. Looking back, not that much that we said was very funny, be we thought it was.
Today I went to rehearsal again and loved it again. You've got to love a bunch of people who are totally OK with freaking out about a mouse named Fredrick that just ran past the room, well simultaneously telling each other that they love each other, hate each other, balancing coconuts on other peoples heads, and putting on very bad stage makeup and looking like they have black eyes.
Yes, these days have been amazing.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Your Own

     Remember when you were a little kid and you just had to tell your BFF everything that you "knew" and you had to make sure that they were no longer under the wrong impression? That never really ended that well now did it?

Now that we're older we have much more serious opinions and they are more real, much more real than pink is better than purple and stuff like that. But the little things. Things like if someone should say a certain word or phrase what they should wear But is it still every okay to try and force these small opinions on anyone?

No, of course it isn't.

There are times of course when you should press something, but on most things you probably shouldn't.

This post isn't directed at anyone who reads my blog because all of you have wonderful opinions that are very like my own most of the time, and even if you do think differently you have never tried to push it on me. This post isn't actually directed at anyone. I've just been thinking about it lately with Christmas coming up and the age on Santa question.

I know many people on the forms that I am on that will come onto some form where a little kid is talking about Santa and tell them that they're stupid, everyone knows he isn't real. But you know what, it isn't up to them to tell them that. They enjoy that. Let them. Nor is it up to them to tell their parents that they shouldn't raise their kids believing in Santa Claus. That isn't up to them either. I know people who didn't do Santa when they were little and they have their own things that they associate with Christmas and have ever sense they were little. But I was raised with Santa and I still love the idea. Everyone has a different idea.

Also, have you ever had someone look at something that you're wearing and tell you that you shouldn't wear that of just give you one of those looks that says “how dare you?” I have. And it's irritating. They are welcome to not wear it if they want to, but I personally have no problem with people wearing tank tops or whatever, and in the long run, is it really that important?

And of course, people are very welcome to have their own opinions about absolutely everything. In fact, I think that they should. And they should try to spread them if they really are something that they think needs spreading. That's the way that all great things are created right? And people have free speech, that is one of our greatest rights. But please, if it isn't important, don't force it on one person in particular. Spread it, but don't focus on one person.

Thanks once again to all my wonderful friends for never doing something like this.
 what do you guys think? Have you ever had someone try and press an opinion on you about something that really isn't that big of a deal? And do you think I'm wrong and that you should push the small stuff? Comment and let me know!!!<3

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015

Why is a raven like a writing desk

I googled the answer for reasons and I came up with this beautifical answer from Lewis Carroll himself.

Q: Why is a raven like a writing desk?
A. “Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is never put with the wrong end in front!”

Is this not wonderful!!!???!!!

BTW, does anyone actually read this blog anymore? I haven't gotten a comment in forever.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Mockingjay Two

It. Was. Amazing. I loves every moment of it. It was really sad and touching, I actually cried a couple times in the theater. It was dark, no one could see. A couple of the pieces of the plot they changes, such as the way one of the smaller characters dies and who went in to talk too Peeta, but overall they kept the main parts in. And it was great. Some of the scenes I will forever have imprinted into my mind. Like the mutts in the sewers and what happens after that... I won't spoiler it for you if you haven't read it or scene it, but for my fellow Hunger Games fans, they did that scene wonderfully and all the other scenes like it wonderfully. The only things I didn't like about it was that Annie and Finnick didn't have many scenes together and neither did Katniss and Johanna. But other that that it was really good!
Best thing of all, you get to fins out more about what happed to Gale!!!!! Party!!!!
Go watch it now!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Yet another drama post

Girl's Dressing Room- " awwwww, you're so pretty in that dress!" "You're a genius!" "Has anyone seen my hanger?"

Suddenly in the Boy's Dressing Room- " For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fe-el-low! WHICH NOBODY CAN DENY! HEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!! "

Girls Room- *everyone falls over laughing*

Thespian Peacock- Every time. Every Song.:  : all. the. time.: backstage: oh yes. very true: "The theatre fandom is a little overly dramatic": Yeah.: why is there a bird?: Which is weird because the boy I like is in theater:

Saturday, November 14, 2015

They're gone

     For the last year and a half I have been totally obsessed with a book series, the Lunar Chronicles. The last one came out on the tenth. I stayed up until 3am last night reading it.
     It's just as great as the other books. I laughed, I cried, it moved me Bob. ( Veggie tales anyone?) It was really, really, really good.
     But now I'm done with the series. All the characters are gone, and I can only live through the old stories again. I had to share this moment with you all. My life is over now. Farewell.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


     I open up a drawer and see a paper with the words "Harry Potter Planning" written on it and I remember the time I saw on my best friends bed with her and we wrote the first chapter or the book that would become one of the great parts of my life that I could always turn to when I needed to write something so I could  get inspired. I read through the list and laugh. Half of the peoples whose names are written down on the paper I haven't even seen in months, and the other half have changed.
     I open my closet to go through my clothes and take out the summer ones. I pick through the clothes. I swear everything hanging on the rack had a story. The shirt that I bought on the shopping trip with my friend where we ate at every single place in the small shopping mall where we live. The sweater that I bought at JCPennys well my sister and her friend went up and down and up and down the escalator. And the book that I wrote last year is hidden at the back of the closet. I remember writing it.
     A family in the parking lot brings back the memory of a little girl jumping with me and about a million stuffed animals on her trampoline. Of her mom telling me how she had asked for me to come back later that day. I remember her saying my name.

     How many more flashbacks will we have in a few years? How many will we laugh at like the clothes in the closet and how many will we cry for like the little girl?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

one more month

Less than a month before opening night for Christmas on the Ranch and Papa Panov's Magic Christmas!!!

No, I'm not just trying to make myself post, what are you talking about...

Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween and NaNoWriMo

     This past Halloween was the best Halloween I've had in a long time. I got to spend it with some friends this year instead of all by myself in the freezing cold. I went as Alice in Wonderland, the only downside to that costume being the high heels that I was clomping around in all night. I spend the evening with a bunch or Star Wars people, and was horribly confused having not watched Star Wars sense I was about eight.
     I met The Red Queen who was about five and thrilled to know that she wasn't the only person there from Alice In Wonderland. I also found out that the games at the Fall Festival hate me. I did the Cake Walk over and over and over again and I didn't win once, the balloons jumped out of the bean bags way, and the scarecrow tried its best to block me. And don't get me started on the Spider Toss, Football Toss, or Balloon Pop. It was terrible. I did nothing to those games. I left that place with five pieces of candy. It was a rip-off! But it was a great rip-off because a ton of my friends were there.
     Then I went to a smaller party at one of our friends houses. It was... interesting to say the least. I threw eyeballs into cups, watched people get wrapped in toilet paper, ate caffeine filled cupcakes, and sneezed about eight million times because someone had on perfume or something that tried to kill me via sneeze.
     But the most interesting part of the night was the Just Dance game. It was... It was... *dies laughing* I can not possibly explain the beauty of this game. I did the Just Dance song by Lady GaGa and Gangam Style. I also watched a ton of other people do dances... *falls over* *can't go on*

Monday, October 26, 2015


Today I was bored and started to look at some of the old blogs that me and my BFF Emma started. Here are a few tidbits from those...

Emma's first blog
Today Hannah Abby and me walked to Burger King for breakfast! :) It is super hot today! Might be me! Lol! Other than that didnt do much today! But it is Saturday so what can I say! :)

Her blog now
Pursing your dreams is never going to be something easy. You're gonna have to keep trying over and over to get what you want. You have to pursue it. And that's why I'm going to do a post on perseverance.

My first blog
Hi! It's Monday night, and I'm bored again. And I have to make my bed:(
I can't believe tomorrows the last day of 2013! Is anyone else going to stay up until midnight? I am, although it might just be in my room........ All alone......and bored.

My blog now I sure hope you know the link to this one!
What is love? There are many different ideas of it. Some people would say that it's seeing a person and not being able to see any of their faults. I disagree. I think that love is seeing all the persons faults, but not caring because you can see past those faults and see how wonderful they are. Some people say that love is needing attention from someone 24/7 but I think that it's more knowing that you don't need constant attention from him or her because you know that they're still there. Love is the best friendship you will ever have.

Our very first blog together
This is the blogadoodle! Post things that have happened to you during your funny home-school experiences, and if you feel like posting something go to the other blogadoodle to post whatever!!!!! YEAH!!!!Emma  
And feel free to add your odd words into the mix! 
like...............BLOGADOODLE!!! and dont forget croshnitting!!!!!

We've changed so much in just a few years. This is crazy!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

New Blog

I started a new blog! It's just my writing, check it out! and don't forget about my icons only blog I'm starting that one back up again!

One week left!

   One week until NaNoWriMo starts everyone! Here are the rules for everyone who doesn't know.
* start by making an account at if you're under 18 or if you're over 18.
* set a word count goal in your Novel Settings. Mine this year is only 15000 words, half as much as last year, but I'm super busy this year so I'm sure if I'm going to be able to write more.
* Start writing on November first. YOU CAN NOT START SOONER!!!! Your book has to be started on the first, you can not start any earlier. There was a lot of confusion about this on the forms this year so I thought I should make that super clear. This is an honors system, and they trust you to follow this rule. Do you really want to break that?!?!?
EDIT I found out right after I wrote this that this year they've changed the rules and you are allowed to start before as long as you don't count the words you've already written into the word count. Party! Sorry I didn't see this before, they hadn't put it up on the kids site, only the adults.
* Update your word count, again in your Novel Settings. If you get to your word count goal by the time November there will be a page that lets you validate your novel so you can get the free prizes, five free paperback copies of your book and lots of web badges and such.

      If anyone has any more questions leave a comment or send me a PM(personal message) on NaNo, I'm Crookshanks15. I've been doing this for six years now so I know the ropes now. I'm one of the few NaNo veterans on the site. :)   Hope to see you all there! It's an awesome experience.

      For those of you that have already done this before, do you have your story all planned out? Anything special you're doing to kick off the new NaNo year on the first? I have a couple ideas....

     Get your writing playlists ready!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Prayers please

     About a week ago I went to go see a play called Silent Salzburg. It was preformed almost all in sign language and they did a wonderful job! And the director was so sweet and nice to all of us. She let me and my drama class look backstage and we got to ask her all sorts of questions through an interpreter and she was a wonderful person to meet. She also was always talking about the baby girl she was pregnant with. I learned today that she had to go to the ER this weekend because of problems with the baby. She gave birth four months early, so early that the baby doesn't even have a lot of the organs properly developed that she needs. So for she's doing ok, but please be praying for them!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

another drama post

     Today I went on a field trip to go see a play with my drama class, and it was super fun. I mean, these must be some of the craziest people I have ever met. Some of the greatest too. Here (again) are a few tidbits from today.

E- " I know a couple worlds in sign language"
everyone else- *is talking*
E- " like my name and a couple letters"
everyone else- * is talking*
E- " and death"
everyone else- "wait, what?"

Mrs. H- " I for one will go on the record saying that I thought the actor playing Hans was very cute."
Me and Isa- " haha. ya..."
Boys-"ugh, that is so weird, you all are so weird, ugh."
Mrs H- " uh-huh, so none of you found the girl who played Lisle pretty then?"
Boys- *are strangely quiet.*

Music- *German lullaby*
Music-* German rap*

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Everything Ends

For the first time in 6 years we're not going to Thursday Classes. I have made so many great friends there, some of the greatest I have ever had and ever will have. I will miss all of you terribly and I really hope that we all wont loose touch. I have loved my time with all of you a ton, and I'm very sad that we're moving away from you all. I'll miss everyone.

Emma, I'll tell you more about this next time I see you. It's too hard to explain over text.

Monday, October 5, 2015


     I love my friends. How many other people will sit with me for an hour in tiny painful chairs meant for little kids watching your other friends making the puppets meant for preschoolers into romantic cannibals? (and yes, now that's a thing) No other people. I have found one of the best groups of friends ever. They're wonderfully crazy, perfectly kind, and just all out the best people ever. With any other people I would have felt awkward sitting there in a public place acting like and idiot, but today I didn't because my friends were acting like idiots right next to me.
     With how may other people can you have a completely random sounding conversation to everyone else in the restaurant, but you all get everything everyone's saying because of all the inside jokes and secrete languages that you all have.
     I'm very, very, very lucky.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

One year

Today is my 15th birthday! And that means that this blog is one year old! I was going to use Emma's idea of putting up a blog post for each month, but Blogger is acting up and I can't. :) So Party!!!!!!!!!! I'm super glad that this blog has made it this long, and thank you to all of my followers and other readers. You all are awesome.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

What I want

  Today I went to see Sense and Sensibility with two of my friends. When we got there the only seats left that had the amount of chairs that we needed were in the very front row. So we all sat down, hoping that no one would run into us. 30 seconds into the play one of the actors came over to my friend Arielle and asked for her hand. She gave it to him and she kissed it. He did the same to me and then moved on, back to the stage. Me and Arielle laughed, but forgot about it.
     Later on in the play, we figured out that the actor was playing the villain. He did it do well that I started to get scared. This guy had talked to me! How horrible! He's a nasty, no good, lying, cheating... wait. No. He's acting. In real life he's probably actually a lovely person.
     That's what I want to be able to do. I want to be able to act so well that I make people really get into the play and leave real life for a couple hours and just get swept up in the characters stories. I want to scare people as the villain, make people fall in love with me as the romantic character, make people root for me as the hero. I want to be able to bring a person into my character's life with me, let them fall in love with me, let them hate people with me, let them feel my emotions with me. I want to be able to draw them in and keep them in the world that I am making. I want all that.

Friday, October 2, 2015

A dogs life

I woke up and ate.
Then I slept and then got up and ate.
And then I went for a walk and ate.
Then my ears itched and I had to go get my personal feeder and scratcher and then got her to scratch my ears for me and then they felt better and I ate.
Then I went to sleep.
Then I woke up. It was dark outside, and no one else was moving, but I was hungry again and I itched so I had to get everyone up. Everyone seemed unhappy with me, I don't know why. So I made everyone feel more happy by sleeping on them. I hate it, but sometimes you have to give things up for people you love.

     And there you are, my story-about-a-dog-that-is-much-less-impressive-than-Emily's. And a side note, I'm turning 15 on Sunday, and that means that this blog will turn 1 year old on Sunday! Party! Does anyone have any ideas for a celebrating blog post?

Sunday, September 27, 2015


     If somehow your are looking here instead of outside, look outside at the moon. Or rather, the lack of the moon. There is a full lunar eclipse tonight when the moon is closest to the earth, this is the first time this has happened in 33 years!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

And now for a word from our sponsers...

Emily, one of my wonderful readers, sent me this for the One for One challenge. I'll post my half soon!

And for those of you who have already participated, it's totally fine to do more than one...

So without further ado... My Day From the Point of View of A Dog

     After waking up in the morning, there didn't seem to be any reason I should stay awake.  My bowl was empty and I had to wait before my official feeder would fill it.
      So I took a nap.
      Oh and guess what!  I went on a walk today!  It seems like I do that every day, but every time is more exciting because there's always something new to smell.  I found this green thing in the grass and I ate it.
      And you want to know what else I did today?  Wait, I can't remember...Ah yes!  I took another nap only this time I had a dream.  I don't remember what it was about...
      I ate some more food.
      I rolled in the weeds.
      I took another nap.
      Then I went to bed.  Which is the couch.  And sometimes under my owners bed.
      Any way, it's been quite an exhausting but thrilling day!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


     I can't even remember the last time I was in a McDonalds. Most of the memories I have of that place is awful, because I went there when I was little so I had to go through the terrors of the... McDonalds Playground. I have very clear memories of sitting in the entrance to the slide having to laugh at my best friend when she made fun of people in that  little hallway of terror. I hated that place. I much preferred the Burger King playground.
     I do miss their chicken nuggets. We used to go their and get millions and millions of chicken nuggets, and I thought that they were the best things ever. I am now older and wiser and know that even in the chicken nugget category that they aren't much, but sometimes I still wish that  I could go there sometimes.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


     I really probably shouldn't be doing a post on love right now because the romance in my life right now is totally confusing right now and I'm trying not to think about it (Emma,Emily, we need to talk) but because Emma gave me this for the one for one contest I need to. But be warned, it will either be very short or very very long because I start ranting.
     What is love? There are many different ideas of it. Some people would say that it's seeing a person and not being able to see any of their faults. I disagree. I think that love is seeing all the persons faults, but not caring because you can see past those faults and see how wonderful they are. Some people say that love is needing attention from someone 24/7 but I think that it's more knowing that you don't need constant attention from him or her because you know that they're still there. Love is the best friendship you will ever have.
    What do you think love is?

Saturday, September 12, 2015

one for one

I have not been blogging nearly as much lately as I should. So I am starting a contest thingy, a one for one.
     Here's how it works. You can tell me in the comments to write a blog post about literally everything, from a post on philosophy to a deep description of my lunch. I will post about it as soon as I can. You can tell me to post as many things as you want. But here's the catch. You have to write  a post about it too. Mine will always be super long, but yours can just be a sentence if you want. You just have to post. If you don't have a blog but still want to do this, just email me your posts and I'll put them on my blog along with my post. BUT if you have already written a post about it you don't have to do another. For example, Emma just did  wonderful blog post about love. She can now tell me to write a post about love, but she doesn't have to write another post on her blog about love. Get it? Got it? Good. Begin!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

today was a good day

     Today was the first day of Thursday Classes, and I missed you soooo much Emma, Hannah, and Abby! First hour I had bible stud which went well, and then second hour I had to teach Beatrix Potter to a bunch of little kids. It. Was. Hectic. The story was WAY to hard to read with all of them shouting at me, and then the TV that I was using for the movie went bad, and it kept cutting out. Then we tried to play a game. Apparently Duck Duck Goose and Simon Says are too hard for preschoolers. But I made a bunch of new “best friends” and it was fun.
     Third hour was even more chaotic than the first two. They have somehow managed to completely mangle third and fourth hour by making one class into two classes, but one of those two classes is only half a class, and the other class is a class and a half and its very confusing. But history and awana sparks was fun.
     Then we went down for acting class again. Oh. My. I love those people. Here are a few tidbits of the day.

E- walks up to the very front of the room from the very back with a large frown “WHO COUGHED?”
A- *small voice * “me”
E- *smiles * “here then, have a cough drop.

Everyone- *is talking about the assignment *
A-” I have had ice cream twice today.”
J- “it's really hard”
Beth (who's name is now really Beth but there are too many B people)- “I want ice cream”
B- “There's ice cream?”
J- “ very har... Ice cream? There's ice cream?”
B- “I don't know.”
J- “ice cream!”
B- “Ice cream!”
Beth- “no.”
B- “no”
J- “no?”
Beth- “yes.”
J- “oh.”
A- “shoot me.”

Saturday, September 5, 2015


One of the plays I'm in  
  Auditions are scary. You have to get up in front of ton of people that you don't know that well, but you know that you're going to get to know them really well over the next few months well you're in the play together, and you really don't want one of their first impressions of you to be someone that isn't you at all because you're acting, but you also really want the casting director to think that you're someone else because you're acting. You forget half of your monologue because you're nervous, and you can feel your face going red. You get to the end of your monologue and freak out at the very quiet applause.
     Then you go through torture of the long wait for the cast list to come out. When it finally comes out, three hours after it was supposed to, you look at the list and feel a heavy weight hit your chest. Ranch Hand #3, how dumb. But you move on to the next plays cast list. This one's even worse. Girl #3. You try to make yourself feel better. You've read the play and you know that Ranch Hand #3 is a funny part, and you can do a lot with it. Then you go back to see who got the leads and you see what you missed.
     You're also the Tramp. That's an awesome part, and a lead! Like, the smallest lead in the play, but still a lead! You freak out. This is going to be awesome!

Well, that's what I did anyway.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


     I had my first auditions today for the Christmas shows I'm going to be in this year with my drama class. Today I auditioned for Christmas on the Range, which sounds like a really dumb play but it isn't at all it's actually awesome, and tomorrow I'm going to audition for Papa Panovs Christmas, I hope I spelled his name right.
     I actually think that this audition went really well! I did clam up  couple times and forgot a bit of my monologue but no one noticed. The monologue, a but from The Importance of Being Earnest, was one of the directors favorite monologues so I picked well! I hope it gives me an edge on the auditions!   I'm up against 4 other girls for the part I want so I really hope I did well!
     I love this so much.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I knew again today that I am a super awkward person. Today in drama class then we split up into two groups and each had to film a one minute movie, aka retell a story in a minute. I was with one person that we knew, and not very well. We picked Cinderella and being blonde, I got to play Cinderella. I have never been in a retelling of Cinderella without being picked as Cinderella. Such were the proceedings.

B- “everyone get in your places!!!!!!”
A- “B, chill!”
B- “Alright, sorry. OK, now would everyone please...”
J- * walks in with a nosebleed*” I am sacrificing blood for this movie!”
B-” come on guys!”
I-”where are we supposed to go?”
A- “you go over there, and B I want you there, and Ruth Anna you're there...”
B- “ I've been fired as director!”
Everyone- “yep.”
A- “ Everyone get in your place!”
Everyone- “Yes of course, what ever you say, right away, etc
Everyone- *ten minutes later are finally ready *

Fast foreword a few scenes.

A- “now Ruth Anna, take off your shoe.”

Today I was wearing my Toms. Without socks. I had thought there was no chance I was going to have to take them off so I just sprinkled the inside of my shoes with baby powder so it would be really bad if somehow I had to take them off, but I hadn't worried much. Now I started to panic. I slipped my shoe off and hoped that everything would be alright and no one in the room would pass out. I think everything was alright. It was and we finished the play happily.

Sorry for not posting in almost a week! And sorry for the boring post this time!

Friday, August 21, 2015


Last night I danced until 9:30 for two and a half straight hours. Honestly it wasn't as much dancing as it was flailing my arms randomly in the air and jumping up and down like I knew what I was doing. It. Was. Awesome. It was for Hannah D's birthday party and I'm so glad that that's what she decided to do. It was sooooo much fun! Thank you all so much and happy birthday again Hannah!